Spending money


what is your ethnicity may i ask


yes, but now they add a service charge (basically tax) of $5.00 (only on the other options not paypal or credit card)


No, they have added multiple different payment methods, Subway cards etc.




yes, but not my parents money :laughing:


I spent a lotā€¦

got like 25~ chars, and used to have all the vaults in Kabam time.


Yes. Not specifying how much.
Just tell them what that money is being spent on, like permanent vault upgrades and character slots. They will be sure to approve/ be un-interested but acknowledge your desires.


Quite a good bit on keys for my guild yea like about $90 in the last 2 months but be wise with you money, dont buy tops its a waste, buy keys like tombs or shats and sell em for life to buy tops and max chars


Yes, like $140 total (over 5 years time dont judge me)


Yes, about 80 dollars altogether.


I spent about Ā£20 in total, I can use giftcards without the 50% fee or something as Iā€™m in the uk.


Yes, between 100 and 200 euros in total.


is this topic real ?? if yes
yeah i bough some gold


The thing is that they donā€™t really know the website, and when they ask for things like social security and credit card number when you are gonna buy, my parents just stopped and didnā€™t buy anything.


@Mattjoe I am going to give you some good advice. If you can get approval from your parents to spend some money on the game, you should highly consider starting over on a new account and buying the beginner package.

The beginner package is only available during the first two weeks after account creation but it gives you free vaults and slots with your purchase of 2600 gold ($20 usd). That is the best value you will ever see in realm. You can use the 2600 gold to buy more slots and vaults, or hold onto it for awhile. I highly recommend it.

And yes, Iā€™ve spent money on the game.

You could just look at realmeye to find people who have spent money though? Anyone with 3 or more characters had to buy those character slots

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some might have gotten them in the swatescone incident


I spent a total of 40$.


That backstory tho :joy:
Yes I have spent around 50$ on the game just for pets and vaults alone.
Good luck mate!


Iā€™ve never spent money and Iā€™m really sad I didnā€™t get the free char slot cus itā€™s almost impossible to max without it


Iā€™m not proud of it but I probably spent around 60-80 bucks