[Spoilers] April Fool's Update + some more


subject to change

if you think ur gonna get “”“spoiled”"" for april fool’s then u shouldnt read

ok now that the dumb people are gone we can continue

to start with, shit from last year is returning

  • smile god

  • fat killer bee queen

  • derpy oryx statue in vault

  • lord of the lol 0

  • sphinx reskin

  • cool shrine

  • sphere god

  • hermit reskin

  • rubber ducky (ghost ship)

new shit

Sprite Changes


  • Leaf Bow -> Leave Bow

Why don’t you try throwing a leave?

  • Ring of Decades -> Ring of Overwhelming Health

An extremely powerful ring, but its creator definitely went over budget on the topaz.

  • Dagger of Foul Malevolence -> Dagger of the Malevolent Fool

Muha… muhaha… It’s just a reskin… you fool!

  • Wand of Recompense -> Wand of Redundance

A golden wand, forged with golden gold.

  • Staff of the Cosmic Whole -> Staff of the Cosmetic Whole

Even more evidence that you should never let an artist get their hands on such a powerful staff.

  • also oreo (seal) and oreo (cookie) are switched

  • also also, vault


(probably scrapped, maybe future update) Heroic UDL, Abyss and OT

There were heroic versions of each 3, but only UDL had shit done (which was just old UDL enemies with some changes done). UDL also had a special dbow, “Ancient Doom Bow”, which shot faster than a normal dbow.


Server Heart

image yeah im lazy i took from re (same sprite as energy potato)

The still-beating heart of a mysterious Server. It could be supremely powerful if it were a little more stable, and perhaps less starchy.

Consumable, gives enemies in a 6 tile radius around you weak for 3 seconds. Also gives the user unstable for 2 seconds.

10 fp (very important) and can be dropped.

skins and pets




just random replies by krathan on ivy’s stream


(on void)



1st of April event?

I really was hoping they would change the mario from lost halls into a luigi



I really, really love these new weapon reskins. They’re probably some of the funniest I’ve read in my history with Realm.

Especially that [REDACTED] XD
[nothing to see here ~Xak]
[godammit seelpit ~Xak]


Look at this MASTERPIECE !


So all cosmics, fouls, and recomps, will change into those skins permanently?


Probably only for the event. Personally though I wonder about whether acclaim will get a reskin or no.


what mario, am i missing something?


No just for april fools
And darn i gotta get my hands on a cosmic.


“mario” is what some people call the oryx admiral (infiltrator):


so a “luigi” would be the same dude but with a green hat instead of red.


oh yeah i forgot :stuck_out_tongue:


Chicken oryx or riot


will they bring back the old UBrings and madlab items, as well as mithril sword?
also is the vault random bags, or just one white bag and a bunch of brownbags?


My guess is that the unlocked vault chests are whites and the locked ones are brown, but I have no evidence to support this. Just a hunch.

Edit: Or maybe it’s the other way around to symbolize how white bags are always just out of reach.


Decas are going to be worth 18 life during this event. That rings look siiick


hello yes one ticket to ugc please thank you
Alternative version where I also changed his goldithings


That’s using the old Oryx Admiral sprite, the current one used in Lost Halls 2.0 is image
“Luigi” version: image


Blame Xaklor for using the old sprite in their post, then 3:<
/s it does look pretty neat.


This is fine and all but…



Leave bow? Why not elbow and repriting the bow to an elbow


LELbow is better