Stahp hating mystics


If someone is a degenerate, I’m going to flame them as a degenerate. Simple enough.


I disagree with you there. The thing about a succesfuk mystic is that they aren’t noticable, since curse is not very visual. You only notice the bad mystics, which inflates that percentage a lot in your mind.


mystic best class


don’t underestimate the power of applying curse and berserk at the same time. 60 atk and 55 dex may seem unassuming, but with a T6 orb mystic is actually the most powerful of the 3 staff classes. while it’s true that necro has a damaging skull and a curse skull, you can’t use both at the same time, the curse duration is pitiful, and both are very rare drops compared to a T6 ability you can buy for a life pot.

mystic is a lot of things, but she’s not weak. she’s only bad if you suck so hard that you can’t aim a T6 orb, so just stop sucking so bad. :sunglasses:


Like, I don’t want to ruin anything here, but…
image image


sorry I don’t actually know what they are off the top of my head because it doesn’t matter, I’m just copying whatever was said before.

Meme Thread

I just don’t like using mystic due to previous bad experience. Trying to farm with a -7 dex roll is not fun.
Basically, my dex needed to max was about the same as the dex I had.
Not fun.


If a mystic screws up and doesn’t say sorry, I just immediately assume they’re an ass. Moral of the story, just say sorry and then only the sociopaths will freak out, which is fun to watch.


I like playing Mystic. I try not to mess up with stasis, but if I do, I don’t mind that people need to wait a few extra seconds for whatever. I hate how impatient the player base in this game is.


if they’re trolling intentionally, then they should burn in shaitain’s lair.

As a person who plays mystic somewhat heavily (hell i play any ranged class lol) just stasis when you know some bad shit is gonna happen and someone’s life is on the line.
Or group rush in a cult because people trust you lol


There’s good Mystics, but there’s also bad Mystics.
To the bad Mystics who want me to apologize…


well theres a reason shatts and lh discords usually want mystics on their runs. If you troll then you’re banned. It’s as easy as that.

The variety of UTs available is great as well.


even then there is still bee hat which everyone should have


Toxic Sewers

Me as mystic and warrior and ninja go ahead and clear our way to the boss

A few rooms in we come to a crossroads and three brutes rush us so I hit that spacebar

Warrior: Come on mystic

Orsome: im just trying to keep you alive lmao

Warrior: <3

even if quite a bit of the playerbase are willing to bring out their hatred onto mystics out, some of them understand.


I don’t much like the idea of admitting that one of the classes that’s been around for years doesn’t work but the reality is stasis should have long ago been reduced/minimised out of the game, in the same way that warrior’s party speedy effect was removed, as the trolling outweighs the useful function.

The problem with mystic actually got somewhat worse when they brought in curse and berzerk in the tiered orb rework that Kabam did.

In the earlier days a (non-troll) mystic would defacto be a vanilla/mundane staff user, quite a chilled role to play passively, as stasis was only used when the situation required it. The rest of the time you just shot things… was also fairly boring due to its awful DPS… .

[Edit: added this line]
Pets had already given bad mystic-ing a boost, as unmaxeds were raised from being able to spacebar only a couple of times a minute to whatever their pet permitted them. Though it was still player choice how to use stasis and you could just refrain. However,…

After the orb rework mystics became encouraged to press spacebar AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE to keep perma-berzerk on self, and to curse everything around. Naturally this causes misfire and accidents by otherwise well-meaning mystic players. Bad design choices on the Wismod numbers also affects it, as unmaxed players have a harder time due to the tighter radius.

Simple answer is remove stasis from all the tiered orbs in favour of curse. Though this completely throws out the orb’s original design/description it’d at least require wouldbe-trollers to go and obtain a UT to be able to stasis.

A more complicated answer would be untangle the way orbs work so players can do curse/berzerk without stasis but really the effort isn’t worth it since stasis is so situational, just push it onto a UT, either as a pure stasis or equivalent to the current T6. Situational is after all the purpose of UTs.


I mean statistically speaking, there would always be more new and less experienced players than old veterans. Also, add in the fact that humans perceive loss 3x more than gains, yea it sure feels like it.


Well I know how it feels. I only played mystic once and only once when I got back from hiatus. I only stasis when the tomb boss rage and it was small tomb to save people’s ass and other stuff. Trolled once to know how it feels. Regardless, some bastard in AUS didn’t wanna pop tombs just because I was mystic. Pay to win idiots like him assume they are always right because they pay money. And the worse part it they never listen. Like that pay to win person screamed and more at me under the assumption that I troll stasis eventhough the last 3 tombs I did which he popped I didn’t stasis.


Because stasising something a group is trying to kill is annoying and slows the group down.

Shitty debuff that needs to be reworked, Stasis needs to act more like petrify, Mystic will both jump up about 7 places on my class list and pretty much nobody would shit on them ever.

They can also make killing something take 200% longer and they can troll stasis kill people.

I personally couldn’t care less about the player behind the mystic, I’ve got a problem with the class itself.

but being toxic is fun /s

How exactly?

Here’s the beef chief

That includes people that think mystic is nearly as good at being helpful as it is when used to troll



I play mystic semi regular and love it. Mystic is a power house properly used. I try to avoid unnecessary Stasis but shit happens and when it does I truly don’t care if someone loses it. If I get too deep in the crap then I will stasis everything until I am safe again which really is 2 - 3 group stasis and then its all good.

In fact if someone really loses it on me then GAME ON. I will try to give them a STROKE by following them around and stasis everything. I can be a prick when someone deserves it.

But normally having a good Mystic around can really help clear realms, dungeons and make bosses week at the knees. Everyone likes following a Mystic through the wine cellar. Mystic rushing dungeons is a great thing just don’t follow too far behind. Don’t hate the Mystic and besides Stasis is only 3 - 6 seconds and hardly worthy of comment. If a Mystic in the realm if causing problems find an area of godlands that they are not in, simple.


reminder that petrify is simply stun and paralyze in one status effect. instant AoE stun and paralyze anywhere on the screen would be absolutely broken.