Stalking realmeyers


@CrayKiller “The Forumer”



@Constery Stalked.


“You have defeated my simulacrum, but I remain safe in my ocean trench!”



Edit: @GzZio wtf fastest like in the west






you got me!





so thats what that was
I didn’t know why you’d pm an insignificant peon like me


ur still a white star…


@Nevov #Stalked


and the stalked becomes the stalker… @wilhuff


Not in the picture; doesn’t count.


Imagine not including the stalked person in the screenshot.


Ye he tries to stalk me like that all the time.



Also, @Ecookied Stalked



Yeah, I’m still an insignificant peon.


Did I get whooshed

Your img is broken


That’s the actual picture he posted. Lol


Yeah I got whoosed fml