Stars/fame rework


Fame bonuses right now suck because there’s no real use for them. I’m a mid level player and I’m at the point where I have more fame than I can reasonably use. It’s even crazier for end game players.
Because of this, the change to stars being made off of alive fame just ruined the point of fame bonuses. Why would I want to search for every dungeon, or try to have any accuracy or target specific enemies if my fame bonus doesn’t help?
I recommend making the star levels go back to death fame, but with a twist. Increase the amount needed by a lot, and use projected death fame to gain stars. We already have a spot that tells us our fame on death. Just use this to act as our percentage until our next character star, that way we still have reasons to grind out the bonuses

Edited because autocorrect likes screwing me


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