☁ Subtle is Recruiting ☁


Subtle is a guild based in USS. We are currently trying to build an active, discord guild, that enjoys doing dungeons together and having fun with the game.


¤ Mic

¤ Mature

¤ Should be an experienced player w/ most dungeon experience

¤ Active on discord

¤ 18+ (depending on maturity level)

¤ Have fun w/ the game and be chill!

To apply go to our discord: Discord or PM an officer+

Note: Just because you meet reqs does not mean you are accepted, leaders will review your realm eye.


I would like to apply, I only have 5k fame (on my warrior the only char I didn’t suicide). Is that ok? Also discord link isnt a permlink :smiley:


Would I be able to join If I can get my (only) char to a 8/8?


bu du de dum bump





Still Recruiting, Google Form is here if you don’t want to apply over disc.


Goal is 50 Active people sooo still bumping bc recruiting still opean


@moderators Can you delete this thread please (or give me access to edit)


We cannot unlock the OP after it ages past a certain point, unfortunately.

Your options are:

  1. Start a new thread, add a new reply to this thread pointing to the new one, and we’ll lock this one.
  2. Add a new reply to this thread that will act as the main post, and we’ll link to it from the OP.


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