Tablet Buff


anyone else think that this needs a buff? I mean event whites are great. You have the Oreo, Juggernaut and Ogmur. These are great items but there all melee items then youv got the Tablet a cool idea and all but its just bad I think that the Oreo Jugg ogmur and tablet could be seen as like a main 4 ut counter part abilities all great and super rare items
Soo Ill give it over to our awesome community to shoot some Ideas around




@moderators Merge?


Oreo isn’t what I would consider great. Tablet DOES need a buff though. Piercing through targets is pretty derpy on a spell. Maybe it should have like 8 shots that just do more damage so aiming is more critical.


What do u mean oreo isn’t great?

paired with a fake cland call and an avatar it can do wonders

######jk lmao ive seen it done


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