Tell us where your profile picture came from!


My profile picture is the Nacho Dragon from Arraker.

Nuff Said.


Haha thats weird because this girl at my high school also is.
they get younger and younger if you know what i mean


So in a very similar thread I posted this:

Well, the time has come, and I have replaced my profile pic.


This really says it all.

(I’ve changed my avatar since here)


true patrician music


Lucky number 13.


so uh my pic is from a gif which is from an anime called k-on


can i call weeb?


No cause he already changed his profile pic xD


Love Live SIF


Cos I like Trippie Reed


Credit to @Tauntauned


My profile picture was made by me in a rushed fashion of utter lazyness and bad spriting skills.
P.S. It`s a spellcaster…


Mine is the ability icon for Ambush (Rogue Skill) in World of Warcraft. Alternatively, it is also the ability icon for Heroic Strike for you warrior players out there, though the ability is a little less flashy.


Mine is Newt Scamander kuz


@Foretet i like your profile pic


Thx :blush:
Yours too :wink:


“Dreadstump was a dreadCHUMP!"




So first, it started off as a name called Endersoul (from Minecraft although I didn’t have it as I was an edgy 8 year old dreaming of having one) I used it as my username on some platforms like gaming or social media.
Then, I got Minecraft when it was becoming popular (like 2012-2014) I wanted my username to become Endersoul, but it was taken. So I thought, what if I changed it to Ender SOL? Like ender sun, and I thought it was edgy with my 4th grader mind.
Then, I made a youtube account. Still being really young, I didn’t trust the internet. So I named myself off my favorite meme: Doge. Plus doctor since thats a job and stereotype for asians. And still being a young edgy kid who thought the only meme was MLG, I added the xX_Xx flair.
I made my pfp a doge.
When I came to forums, I learned more and more about rotmg and fellow forumers.
Then, there was a thread where a dood who drew out pfps.
He drew mine and it has been my pfp since.