Templar Class


So this class is very simillar to paladin.
Weapon: Sword
Ability: Cross necklace
Armor: Heavy armor

Stats (Upon max):
Def 25
Vit: 50
Dex 50
Att: 45
Wis 60
Spd 50

This ability gives a new buff called: Blessed, which makes everyone in templar’s ability radius immune for negative status effects for short amount of time, and the ones that were inflicted before effect was applied go away faster.
As tiers go up, ability also heals a little bit (Tier 6 Heals for 120)
And this ability has cooldown of 10 seconds.
(Will release more sprites when i have time)


Might just be my opinion but I don’t think there should be any more buff classes. This buff in particular feels very strong and made, more or less, just for high level dungeons. It’s just a class whose ability is puri


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