Terraria Thread


It also has a higher variety of weapons to be used in multitudes of situations, which ends up taking a bunch of inventory space


doing a mage expert next


I just carry a razerblade typhoon and a last prism on my endgame mages xd

they don’t live long though


That’s called a low effort mage, both of those are actually extremely situational and last prism should never be a main, although it is absolutely amazing against bosses, while razorpine like the other magic weapons similar to it is best used in situations with a huge horde or a paladin


I use RT about 95% of the time and LP on bosses only or that OP ASF pumpkin moon grinding machine


I would also recommend magnet sphere, which since a single use lasts 7 seconds and the weapon itself is extremely powerful, it’s a good weapon to keep around and use with existing ones, also get the Nebula Blaze and Lunar Flair, and then get whatever other weapon you want, Blaze is a good main and Flair is good for single enemies or out of reach enemies


nani what is this

Nebula arcanum?

EDIT: saw the edit


Sorry my mind is stupid right now, as is my auto correct, i probably mean arcanum I’ll go check, and also it changed magnet to magic because whatever

@TROLLDLLR (so that you see this edit)
Edit: meant blaze, arcanum is still good to have around but costs too much for constant practical use, blaze costs less and is basic high damage projectiles, it is a little inaccurate but use of wings or terrain should make it not matter too much


Also off topic; has anyone tried a summoner/sentry hybrid?

I love the Cell/Lunar Portal combo; omegalul


terraria thread ded




I remember being pretty hooked on this game about 3 and a half years ago, and I was pretty bad. So then I forgot about it for a (long) time. I “beat” (all bosses, 97% of good itenz) it about a year ago, and my little brother recently got coin gun on my acc. So yeah lol.


Okay, so i am doing a ranger run, and my dungeon was cut off by the crimson and I kept crashing there, and, well, This

Nani the F***


SO you have a staff of the frost hydra at the beginning of the game? too bad it wasn’t vampire knives though lol


Wow, I’m just getting a crap ton of Freddy Krueger claws in my pre-hardmode


Reeeeee I myself am also frustarated that I cant use it


big rip

too bad it wasn’t the pirahna gun


I normally use summon items no matter what play style I am doing.
I’m guessing you are just doing it more strict than I do. hmm


is it ok if i necro bump this thread? i also play it…


The big b u m p u s