The Achievement Thread


God damn I should have recorded this baby. 982nd best ninja in the world! And it’s a ppebtw with 2 damn life away from 8/8 (quest chests keep giving manas ;-; )


my ppe was 200-300th knight lol, almost 8k fame, I should’ve also rec it but I was busy doing other ppes :confused:
Hes dead btw


wanna fite me


Just a prank bro, don’t fight me



7/8 PPE




Haha, yes, good.
Would you believe me if I said I used this Necro in various Nest and Lost Halls runs because I didn’t mind losing it? Then the game gave me an Endless Torment and Corrupted Souls.


666 :thinking:


Made on Oct. 5, I maxed a lvl 1 trickster to 6/8 (without the usage of maxing candies), in a month and 3 days! Not too bad, I’d say.
Time to level at last!


Orange star finally!


Did a 5 person shats 3rd boss where they didnt really know what to do

i got mark


i turned 6




hey. you can go to grade one now. I bet you can impress them with your spelling of unicorn.

that was actually one of my more prouder roasts. at first i was gonna complement you on math, but decided… nah…





I don’t even use this ninja


i mean people say that cult gives better loot but…


your account will deactivate in the coming 23/35+4i years


2 hp pots, nice!