The Birthday foundation


well it replies to a part of ob commnet that is connected to topic sooooooooo


Ohhhhh. Lul


Check my realmeye already used it…


It’s a joke eh
don’t you see that big seal?


Lul ik


Noice saele by the way


plez fri itenz he try to merch it lel xD!!11!one!1!!!11!


I didn’t merch. :expressionless:



Yes. But I’m gonna close this topic once everything is claimed. It’s been almost five days. All it is now is just people begging or making the same stale joke. @AnEcho Let’s meet up so I can close.


@OgGamerGod Sorry, I’m in Peru. I can meet soon, just haven’t really been on the last five days.


Alright np man. Tbh I totally forgot myself :slight_smile:


How about right now? Can you come to USWest?


Can’t get on now, it’s almost midnight where I am lol


Oh okay, lol


Maybe tomorrow idk :slight_smile: Oh yea and if you don’t want to give me a Mana, I’m playing wizard ATM so wizard gear works too <3


You want some wizard gear? Cause I got wizard gear! :slight_smile:


Lol, ATM I’m rocking a trash ring, CWhole, Elder (I think, it’s T12), a T2 spell I believe, and no ring


K, I’ll get you a T5 spell, and a T5 def ring :slight_smile:


Sweet thanks man :slight_smile: