The Commander (WIP)


(bad at making sprites, so one will go here when I can come up with one)

The Commander
The commander weilds a sword and wears heavy armor, while using his command baton to point out enemies and rally allies into formation.

Obtainable after reaching Level 20 with Mystic and Warrior


  • Life: 770
  • Mana: 252
  • Attack: 60
  • Defense: 25
  • Speed: 50
  • Dexterity: 50
  • Wisdom:: 50
  • Vitality: 60


Command Baton
-The Command Baton has two functions. On use, the Baton will mark the enemy on the cursor with Target. When an enemy is Targeted, they will have a target sprite under their own sprite (similar to the targets used by Xolotl or Oryx Spirit, indicating what enemy is being targeted. Everyone within the range of the Commander will be able to do an extra 20% damage to targeted enemies.
-Batons also activate Rally, which works alongside Target. When in the range of the Commander during a Rally, allies gain stats boosts and other effects, ontop of Target’s damage boost. Tiered Batons add Defense and Vitality to allies.
-Batons work on a toggle system. Instead of a hold-down system, the Commander activates his ability with the Ability Key, and will continue to stay active until he runs out of mana points or deactivates his Ability.
-Rally/Target Boost do not stack with more Commanders, but Commanders are able to target the same enemy, allowing seperate groups to have boosts.

Starter - Marching Baton
A basic baton used to keep military bands in-step.
On key press, 20 MP/second
Target to 1 enemy on cursor
Rally: +4 Defense, +4 Vitality, Target Boost in a radius of 4 squares

T1 - Leading Baton
An indicator of a high-ranking member of an imperial army
On key press, 20 MP/second
Target to 1 enemy on cursor
Rally: +5 Defense, +5 Vitality, Target Boost in a radius of 4 squares

T2 - Commanding Baton
Troops stand to attention in sight of the masterfully-crafted baton.
On key press, 20 MP/second
Target to 1 enemy on cursor
Rally: +6 Defense, +6 Vitality, Target Boost in a radius of 4 squares

T3 - Commissar’s Baton
Given to leaders that have waged war with endless deaths.
On key press, 20 MP/second
Target to 1 enemy on cursor
Rally: +8 Defense, +8 Vitality, Target Boost in a radius of 4 squares

T4 - High General’s Baton
Carved out of long-extinct Mammoth Ivory, truly a baton to strike fear into enemies.
On key press, 20 MP/second
Target to 1 enemy on cursor
Rally: +10 Defense, +10 Vitality, Target Boost in a radius of 4 squares

T5 - Tsar’s Baton
Only after years of military success does one obtain a baton of high decree.
On key press, 20 MP/second
Target to 1 enemy on cursor
Rally: +13 Defense, +13 Vitality, Target Boost in a radius of 4 squares

T6 - Imperial Ruler’s Baton
No planet was safe from the Imperial Armies; this baton was the last thing their leaders saw.
On key press, 20 MP/second
Target to 1 enemy on cursor
Rally: +15 Defense, +15 Vitality, Target Boost in a radius of 4 squares
Stat Bonuses: +2 Vitality, +2 Wisdom

Group Role

The Commander’s role in a group is apparent with Rally. With a radius of 4 (4 range in every direction from the Commander), the Commander should be able to keep most Leather classes in his range during a normal fight. Robe Classes typically will miss out on the Commander’s buffs, but they do not need it unless they are caught in close quarters with enemies.

Solo Role

Even when playing alone, the Commander benefits to target selection and extra damage, even without allies. With subpar stats, it is reccommended he stay with a group, but has enough tools to hold his own when soloing enemies.


honestly batton dmg boost is just another curse


Yes, but you have to be in the range of the Commander to benefit from it.


Curse currently as a concept is a side effect of playing Mystic, ontop of having to see if there’s even a Mystic around. This would be longer, more consistent, but in a smaller area.


Honestly, I think this is really good idea! Why haven’t we thought of this yet?!


I did a similar idea for a bow class, but the benefit was only for the player that used the ability and everyone disliked it.

Hopefully this’ll be better received as I kind of liked the idea.


I saw yours when looking for repeat ideas; I ideally wanted the Commander to be a bow class (more like the Sniper) but figured since most bow classes just stand back with dbows, it wouldn’t be a good leading command.


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