The Death Poets are Now Recruiting!


“I support cheats over free speech”

Cry more


You’re a loser. Haha. Lol.


false dichotomy. you don’t have to support one over the other, you can support both at the same time (as is clear by the number of free speech adjacent hacker guilds)


Lmfao this is such a mess I’m so glad I don’t play this game anymore


if I may make the point that the trolls are trying to tell you somewhat more directly: “pro-freedom” is undefined.

does it mean members are free to do whatever they want? obviously not, you ban cheaters. this is perfectly acceptable, but all it does is raise more questions about where you’ve moved the line. does this mean members are free to say whatever they want? obviously not, you’ve done an absolutely awful job at reacting to being flamed. the best you can muster is to flame back which just results in everyone being in a bad mood and mom being called in to put everyone in time-out. one can reasonably assume this behavior is not tolerated in your guild, which is also acceptable because who would accept rude trolls in their guild? still less free than total anarchy though.

so what exactly do you expect to get from people? you clearly don’t accept all speech. if you truly accepted that people should be able to say what we want without retribution or cancellation, then here’s my opinion: I know exactly what kind of person you want to see even though you haven’t explicitly stated the qualifications. I also know exactly what you mean by all these undefined claims, and what values you really support. and my honest, free, uncensored opinion is that you and everyone like you should fuck off. I also know what you want to say in response to this, that I’m putting words in your mouth and steering the direction of people’s opinions to something more “woke” or “politically correct”. yet, I haven’t actually filled in any blanks either. maybe I think you’re all cheese connoisseurs and I hate cheese gatekeeping. who knows?

don’t worry, we know. it’s obvious. you also know exactly why I’m doing this, and I will not be doing this dance with you either. good day.
