The Death Thread





Thought I could rush past crab :smiley:


Tenne + Esben is an extremely fragile combo. I had a Trix that used the very same setup and died with it. Also, RIP…


the most goated player in the game


@Kaasx again, Golem of Anger.


just ran into it… stupidly


died with my trickster on the way to 15k base fame. but i’m sure i hit the nexus key at least two or three times before it happened. but so what… making a new one at some time.


I got a Doku, @BroadBunny got a new char slot - got caught between the boss and last egg I think, and with the last egg being red that means a lot of damaging bleed inducing shots.




RIP 194k death fame Knight. You will be missed :pensive:


yeah but your pet eating good tonight


teleported and 0.4 seconds later I got a free character slot… no time to react lol


shouldn’t you be safe due to tp invulnerability? or am I dreaming?


you’re not dreaming. Let me clarify, I skill issued after my invulnerability ran out, I should have made that clear :wink:


Sorcerers are too strong to do not underestimate shit.


yeah, very unlucky. did not even see that there was anything on me…




rip @Norbie


and now it’s me, sleeping in cland :smiley: beware, they can spawn directly on you, so never stand still


Well, that’s a little embarrassing, especially given that I was within 1200 fame of five stars, and had the alien armor equipped (it had proc’ed previously, I just figured, incorrectly, that I would be fine).

I think playing almost exclusively on a jugged warrior for the last few months has led me to forget how to dodge.

JimdaFish's Okey-Dokey PPE Thread