The Death Thread


Btw this was temple in realm, with over 45+ people


Oof. It looks like someone unaware of how Daichi attacks was informed of a… certain ‘safespot’.


Do u mean the spot which MattStas thought as safe?

Btw this ss is old af.


@Lolydylano Unfortunately shotgunned. (Temples sure are popular death spots in this area…)


There an event or something?


Yeah: Tinkerer Event - Davy Bee Jones & Oryx Slayer


rip lost my 6/8 trickster due to lag.


@xryuzaki oof



Best fame I’ve ever had? (Almost 19k) First Halls white? (Died with it on) A PPE with really big potential? (Upwards of 40 whites) Nah, who needs any of that when you have BS deaths.


Oof. What happened :frowning:


Oh I was lagging

@JohnMH ripjohn


I know this is 3 months or so late, and someone may have mentioned it already, but that archer has a very low defense set. I wouldn’t be surprised if they just assumed they were fine and got rekt by stacked shots from those greater pit vipers, It wouldn’t be the first 8/8 ive seen die that way.


I’m a moron.

Walked over the sentinel like you do if you’re a dumbass, except I did it when people killed the last titanium, instantly resetting the shots’ timing.

Meaning I got popped. People spammed me after that for being bad lmao.


I was a bit too ambitious. Charged into a room of Corrupted Armor Stands to take them out, but the room before that wasn’t cleared…
Oh well, had a good run.


Maybe you wouldn’t have died if you used a t4 hp ring >:(


Health rings are overrated, I don’t need more health which will just lead to more regenning, thus a longer fight and less frequent buffs due to the wis and mana loss, leading to an even longer fight


…i’m not going to say anything.
visit my graveyard and laugh in my absolute misery


I’d rather have a longer fight than be dead tbh.


It was a good run, but now it’s at rest :pensive:

Out of the lot, this one was something special


Didn’t watch your health? Shotgunned by Cube God, then finished off? Armor broken?