The Death Thread


Rip @CrayKiller, the forumer


star trek yes :slight_smile:



i forgot to post this 14 hours ago but IM NOT A FORUMER SMH @Wilhuff

wait why am i here again help me


@Gogoasafur got mugged by the Butterfly in caterpillar phase as it was hidden directly under the bridge when we TPd to the boss (after T-room and boss were found at the same time, so boss was already live when we TPd). Someone else or two died there as well, missed their graves, and sent me for HP pot spam.

Chicken Oryx rampaging (2 weeks of that bird is overstaying its welcome when it’s an April Fool’s Day thing):
@SuperCris @Befitz @EpicPeco

& couple of screenshots from last days of March @Aresaa & @PantixGG at a Miner; @Nillerr in para.


From Keyper: @BogtinusB and @BaxBunny during seperate phases.

And @Codexe, who backed off when you shouldn’t back off. (I got nothing interesting)

Exalt Discussion




Let me guess…yellow phase 1?

Whew! Whole bunch of deaths today.

Except this one, [@]Venganece and @Lolunig, from yesterday

[@]Skyilo and [@]PolemPaPLo In a Davy’s that…I missed. Feeding my cat is hard work.

@Mqst Failed rush, I believe?

[@]MinYoongid Kept saying “Lag” even while in the realm, then acted a bit “told you so” when Oryx lag hit. Was also surprised at my vast array of knowledge.

[@]KittyCat Brutally LAZORed.

[@]Jaosteamfk I don’t know how you can frick up that badly…maybe a bad teleport?

@Ricardas Just as I was thinking to myself “Limoz? Hard? I don’t recall seeing anyone die to him!”. Fine irony.

[@]MemonMand Maybe doing Limoz 2nd was a mistake, after all…

[@]SevenHill Panicked and got burned!

[@]VelvetRoad Also panicked, and got…er…bludgeoned…? I guess?

[@]Rumasas Stood too close! (also @OnyxDoom, but that was a suicide, so…)


Blue phase 2



Name checks out. He died like a god; a realm god that is.


Crystal Worm Father went on a rampage.


the chat is open for a reason in the first one


image bruh nice restart


i don’t understand how i died?
i stunned o2 and then i got popped? like i died instantly, from full health to none, instantly, after i stunned him so that he was stunned??


Stuns don’t erase bullets. The shotgun was probably already out when you went in.


ah yes the entire shotgun escaped, after i stunned him


I am cursed to never have more than four 8/8 characters at any given time. Not that I am complaining, it is great to finally be at the level to have maxed characters in the first place. But seriously, finally maxed my warrior and died on my pally not 30 minutes later.


i am cursed to never have more than 1 8/8 at a time (or honestly, more than 1 2/8 at a time)


Oof. That makes two 8/8 deaths in 12 hours for me. Might go chill out and clear some realms for a bit, lol.