The Death Thread


Just 59 client doing its thing. Quite ironic that DKvlogs is using it.


Why would a hacker purposely kill himselfā€¦




-Creator of the client


Yeah, seems likely. There were a couple of topics about this when the cheat client first started biting its users:
LH Glitch
Took Shots I Couldnā€™t See [Ice Cave]

Looked like same story in a WC I was in today when all these exploded at once. The other graves were on the opposite side of Oryx:


Some RIPs from the last couple of weeks, O2 edition:
@Lamkuska @CptMick @Ghaly @Marlebar @DingoPlayz @Cheeseier @Zbronox @Bruspo


O2 pt.II
@TardisEPIC @Urakanium @ShadowOce @Thonarr @KeeleyH @XQuinsterX @XenonBomb @JOkkell got backed into a corner in ragephase & @FinalBarra - huntress who was helpfully calling Horse/Cemes.


Honestly, this death by using hacks thing is great, they deserved that :+1:


@Eltyo AFKā€™d, and got sat on.

@Ganzark We were a bit divided on what to do - there were a lot of crashers, who went to Defender; Mutza ordered us to ignore it, but gave in to it anyway. Then I dcā€™d!

@LPooow Something, something, Oryx enemy something.

@Shaxiking The Cult claims another victim.

And @Itaniplr rushed in before my Decoy could perform its show.


This wasnā€™t need btw


Lagged and I think I got armor broken (RIP my first resu and my hardly bought Pixie :cry: )


2 out of 2 instances that I opened a Void, it went wrong!!
Ugh! At least I only got an attack and defense from MBC, but still, thatā€™s my ICE Yuki gone, and my 2nd 8/8 /:<
At least I can now focus on getting my (temporary) white star.
fyi itā€™s not my main Ninja with the cool whites, this was my second backup Ninja I used for Lost Halls.


I believe I found your mistake.
Use paden or huntress reeee


or wizard and priest


Warrior benefits the group most


Oof, 7/8 death in a cem, it was a priest PPE @Tgxman

This was me, somebody poped in the nexus, and I had my mule online, I thought why not just bring both in, maybe get 2x loot for second.
Then I died, so I was able to get a screenshot of myself lmao.

A basic suicide probs @Narwhalcat

Orxy was really laggy. @Tacobnks @Furyanseem

A suicide in an OT. @Heattherea




@EagleKING & @FaggotPie I didnā€™t realize they already activated the boss; the deaths actually notified me.


I bare a horrific tale of a fallen hero who in their time did many great things. Alive for so many months and a joy to play. They were the manifestation of my power, my rewards, and then in 2 fateful seconds by the Mad Godā€™s hand, erased from existence in less time than one could say F. If thereā€™s anything Iā€™ve learned from a death so foul, its to never go in for the stun on Oryx 2 unprepared, especially in a Battle for the Nexus opened by chance. Through 11 Voids, over 30 Cults, and through numerous other hells they powered, until in an effort to protect the Nexus smote down in their final hour. The Lost Boys server cried and still remembers today (usually poking fun at me for it) the glorious death of FlufKitty, the Knight who helped in many Voids, Cults, and all.

EDIT: I tried so long to get a breastplate and ogmur for max bling, and I get a Breastplate like 3 days after they die, soā€¦ worth???


just died today after a year of emptyness, struck my heart in a way 7/8 sorc


A big mess of IdkLove graves.