The Death Thread


Rip oreo, maybe it was glitch where space bar didn’t press but I had pressed it less than a second before


Oreo on a 2/8 lol



nah just my second oreo, with another one in the vault
and it was almost maxed in some other stats.


I was there in the background.


At least now I know that I can’t play archer


@Ianmad @AKEROLOKAO some people don’t know how to dodge these days.






The following two pictures are from another shatters:

@GookLord @Joriban Some idiot mystic troll kept stasising, and these guys got a little too close to the obelisks at the wrong moments

@Natsuscar, @HumanMoose decided to rush, didn’t think about the consequences.


Isn’t that 3rd pic in third boss but kage is locked and alive? Sorry if I’m wrong I’m not very familiar with shatts


Sorry, bad wording. The kage picture was from a previous shatters, only the two mentioned in the last post were in the same shatters as one another. I will edit the post to be clearer.


Multiple Dead after mass drag, suspect is unknown.


Is there any reason why that wizard has 0/7 stats? Isn’t it usually 0/8?


There IS a reason: not all stats have been around forever. In this case, realm was missing mp as a stat. You can even see by looking in his graveyard that the stat was added between February 12th and 13th, 2012.


Don’t ep things you’ve never experienced, kids!



Well then, that’s nice.


Good lesson to learn, don’t play when you are clearly lagging and can visibly see that you are.


You had so much time to options -> back to home but you didn’t. Those shots that you took at 0:13 were clearly going to be heavily stacked since they all appeared at once.


Don’t blame deca, if you’re laggy don’t go and do stuff like that.