The Death Thread


R.I.P. 7/8 Assassin
I was farming for cbow in OTs and suddenly everything started to lag. I kept being there and damaging boss while i just wasn’t recovering air from vents and DIED FROM SUFFOCATION.






Not all good things last, alas unu
I ran into the group, but a YKB was waiting and sat on me. I thought I saw myself flashing, checked my health (120 something?! Better drink a health pot and not nexus or anything!), and before I knew it, I was dead D:
I guess this was bound to happen, though.
She had a good, long run, and was my best Huntress ever made.
Thank you, kind soul.


oh noes i wantt that cloakkk




I just want a planeswalker but I get so much freaking EPs


we were talking about the bloody surprises cloak :sweat_smile:


Which is why I was saying I JUST want
I was saying that I could care less for something as rate as the bloody cloak and just want a planeswalker


Lol fair enough.


Yeah, ep’s best use is a pet snack. Overrated by people who don’t realize how soulbound damage works
(“0 on tomb troom? Wtf I was using ep”).


Tis when u close da tab my dude


i mean you could use it on constructs if you had bad dps.

Or solo chest, like omg, those take ages to kill.

but yeah its pretty useless, feed it


I keep for the times that it provides just enough dps to break an observer (which has happened with me)


Alright, killing constructs is better with ep, if you dont just run through and ignore them.
I guess the 6% fame bonus could also be useful if you suicide




is this suspicious to you? (btw, i suicided the 8/8 wizard.)


I had a stinger, an MG cloak and a deca ring. If I had been wearing either of the last two, this rogue might still be with us. That’s okay though, because I always need more fame. And vault space.


at least you didn’t lose anything valuable.


He had an mg cloak, which is fairly rare. And a Deca, arguably the best ring in the game.

Plus stinger, à rare dagger from a hard and rarely run dungeon.

So yes, he did lose a bunch of rare items