The Death Thread


…and here’s the grave. Rest in peace @Ecookied, dead from crus drag.


Try embedding the image instead of just posting the link. Doesn’t take you any extra time but saves us a click. Honestly I don’t bother looking at lightshot links but I’ll pay attention to an embedded image.


im really bad at this game


Is that priest holding the soulless that I sold you?


no. you sold it to me after.

here it is.


:ok_hand: Don’t die with it I farmed that set.


rip, ive never gotten any st as drops (except for geb ring)


That’s a lot of health rings 0n0


My mom texted me about dinner and checked. Guess I’m never talking to my mom again.


Logical response. I’m sure she’ll understand.


She said she will just get another of me.


@Westyler @Gluemat
Geb got Gluemat
Nut got Westyler and it bothers me because I attempted to stasis her but my computer was lagging ~2 seconds behind, which was just enough time to kill Westyler, she was stasised about a second later
(Also I can run tombs without dcing!)


There went all of my nexus fragments
Stacked shots are hell


How many did you lose?


Rip ShadeFire.


I had another RotMG nightmare
I died on my ninja spamming HP pots and pounding the nexus key


Got swarmed, 8/8


I meant a numeric quantity.


Died on pump jugg to void confuse but changed phases and the confuse shots till hit me. And hit nex b4.

