The Death Thread


Time for a death dump again.

@Knugboi Hard counter to living: Oryx 2.

@Ohyear Oh, yeah! …actually, scratch that, I died.

@SJjrlolol Who’s lolling now?

@Dalleyd Nerf the Sun!

@Spacechim Blasted into oblivion because of stun mechanics.

@Marlofire, [@]Rylir, @ZygiuxYOLO A slutty, slutty tomb.


Survived over a year, I believe (though, granted, I have hardly played during this year). Very sad to see the Advent Wreath go, but hopefully they will be obtainable again in the coming weeks! I got armor broken and wasn’t paying enough attention. Feel like a moron.




Fixed that for you


The year’s start comin’

And they don’t stop comin’

Death 1: “Stepped in some shit” to say the least. Was new to the updated ice tomb (first time playing after a year) and didn’t notice my health was getting rekt.
Death 2. Somebody activated SoA early and then i sat on him. End of story.
Death 3. Was in a tomb. One moment, “Oh, Bes about to go into rage phase” Next moment, “oh, I’m dead.”
Death 4. Wasn’t paying attention, got insta’d in an abby
Death 5. Got hit by slow and confuse by o2. Proceeded to sit on him because I can’t confuse control (and didn’t hit r in time)
I was tempted to do a new wizard just to see how funny it would be, but I’m on huntress because i have A cbow and dbow in vault waiting to be used. Let’s see how long she lasts (hopefully more than a day lmao)


whoa your back


Hey, glad to see a couple people around that remember me ;).

Yeah, at least for the month of December, I think I will be pretty active again. Can’t say anything for next year, but for this month I plan to be playing at least a little bit every day.

O2 and Ice Caves got serious buffs since last time I was here!


Eh Ice Caves only got the damaging floor and slightly beefier enemies.
Watch out for O2 though those new phases can be tough :sweat_smile:


I think I need more practice rushing these more safely…
Got armor broken and ran into more puppet shots than I could handle. Lasts dreadily long >m<
Ah, well. Character slot freed up, just tradable items lost (+Pyra, but I got one of those recently. Like I’ll use it)


not sure what even happened


What was set?



@Hippadaka Where’d this come from?

@DWkrouiks I don’t think the DW stands for ‘don’t worry’, cause I am worried.

@Exekko Okay, maybe that was partially my fault for messing up my decoys a little…

@BencemastD You ever get shotgunned by O2 to flex on living characters? Feat. Arkie.

@ElatedGod This’ll delate you, probably.

@ThaBaestt Neither a beast nor the best, clearly.


b4 server lag killed my 8/8 assassin to O2, i had lagged in teh realm and one of the statues had sat on, but hadnt killed me. I was blinking red tho


It seems you have also spotted a wild @Moobattle in that last picture.


Also had an orb of aether and a tetzcoatl staff.


you dont afk at o2


Actually, you can. Hide behind barrels as far away from middle as possible, the mad god’s UI is to stay away from corner unless “pushed” like how get is.


You can run phase


He isnt that @Bad