The Death Thread




That will be:


His account was bought or he name change thing recently let him get it. Something like that


urgle + djinn = big sad


Sometimes I wish I wasnā€™t such a scrub :confused:


Really big fan :3


This isnt real kalle


Its not the one with I instead of L


[Reminder to self: Donā€™t ep gods ~ DivineOryx]




Why do the good ones always have to die :frowning: :wink:


daamn @Daaaneee
Thank you for the fake Ice tomb earlier.


Ended with 23 players


I really liked samurai, didnā€™t realize how much I actually enjoyed playing the class. Also one of my first 6/8 chars for a very long timeā€¦

Me: oh boy killer pillar phase, letā€™s get that dps with void blade
Me: I might get instaā€™d if I stand here tooā€¦ oh.
big sad


Nice hacked client. No shadow on your pet or the graves. Smh.


Tbh Iā€™ve been wondering why all his posts are cropped


Honestly not even sure why you try such a thing in the first place.


hopefully i donā€™t come back
@moderators ban me for year


Not again, you already have your main banned


pp big
I guess this is why characters like your archer live so long.