The Death Thread




the sad thing is they all had at least one stat maxed


technically, if the screenshot happened a little while after those deaths, then all the 0/8 characterā€™s graves would have disappeared


:open_mouth: ok




@Waffleswuf :c


I never thought Iā€™d ever see my grave in here, today was the day ;~;


From last week:
@Popopcool in an OT; @Flaired and @Tadakichi in one WC, @Fishinggg in another.

And some of a random unmaxed crew @Uzuja, @YungVermi who had been fighting Dwarf for ages but died in the last phase. It got really spammy with the mushrooms, even spawning outside the zone directly on where YungVermi was standing.


@RickGame we were sorc-clearing a Para but think a Painling zoomed from the next room. Iā€™d assumed they were maxed but mustā€™ve been only partly.
@Buldokan looked to be instad when Basilisk went into another phase.
@Textbook possibly armourbroke on one of the mini nests, I found the grave already there.

@LegitAngel several graves at a double event Miner-vatar also @Snappydapi.

@GoLeMHaHa in blue planet; @Joniremix died after rushing in a Para. And It went Titanic @PickPick, the chat made this 50-50 for here or in Funny thread.





if you use that link it shows directly


Dangit, ate a third shot I shouldnā€™t have >:c
1st phase on Beekeeper is nasty for swordies without A.S.S/CSword, gah.

Post funny moments in-game!

this reminds me lol I might come back to rotmg once i get a new pc cuz dang thats at least 3x my normal fps and ur in a void on top of that which brings mine down to 3 fps usuallyā€¦


ok game, ok


Epic PPE Death
thanks to @Darkawaiii
for getting my grave


no problem kiddo


Oreo sucks.

Iā€™m kinda feeling an account reset




What a fucking shit boss.