The Death Thread


My daily dopamine rush.


sorry im a lazy asshole with flaccid muscles that can barely move a mouse. jk, I’ll be more mindful next time


@Kunymaga At the very end, just when Oryx died, they, our only Priest, died to the Scarabs…


Biggest oof so far. I got a little cocky in Red and took a shotgun to the face. By far my best character I have ever had! Because of its hard work, though, I am pretty close to another 8/8 and I have a couple 7/8s, so I shouldn’t be off too badly. I will have to make another knight soon, though, because that was a blast!


Sad that you died. Although I just want to poke a little fun at the enemy name. Who’s ever heard of a blorgorm??


Hats off to @Grizlrd, First time I’ve seen anyone “killed by Boulder” in-game!




lol not gonna post an image but rip mymystic died to overheating in red cuz i have a potato pc crashhes whole pc had to force shutdown lol she had tops and ST orb

Edit: so many typos xD I suck at typing on my phone


Went too deep ;n;
1/8 in dex, close in other stats.
Never even did an Oryx…


imagine using resu in a level 1 char

oh wait the tombstone dissapeared


ecookied had an oopsies earlier today…




Some deaths today during tomb chaining.
8/8’s @AlphaEashy @Supernava


First he pmed me “omg a forumer”, then he popped a reef, then he popped himself.

@Mlagic @Idinss


dude u ignored the 0/8 at top left so sad


yes even 0/8s deserve recognition


The MOST recognition cuz majority of my deaths are lvl 10 0/8 guildie top donations…


@LoulouKimy @Arcayne (?). A castle where there were…quite a few nasty words falling.

@LTUeEH @Kolfer As well as some major graves!


Not a character death, but the death of my entire account.


but seriously what did i even get banned for

