The Death Thread




Hmm is there a way to get Deca to manually ban my account? This game is starting to take over my life, and I think it is more harmful than helpful.




you could (unoficially and i think illegally) give away ur account to me
but yea you can send them a ticket. I’m not sure if you can undo it though, so bear that in mind


how often do you play? do you do tombs and shatts?


I’ve claimed every single login reward, and I do tombs. Never got loot in one. Too much people. I duoed a Geb rage and I got nothing. I also attempted a couple of shats. They’ve been turned dirty, so I could not progress. It’s not like I’m able to be part of a guild to make it clean.


i wasn’t able to claim the char slot. i never do tombs, and the only shatts i ever did where i got loot was an att pot. my highest max char was a 5/8 ninja. how do you max?




farming what




also, how often do you play?


I do many different dungeons. I start with snakes, hoping a stupid knight won’t hijack, then sprites, hoping nobody won’t tp to me after I finish rushing, then udls and labs at the same time. That’s my order. I then do a couple of abbies, but I mostly buy vit, because I hate abbies. I don’t like my death toll in them. If I manage to survive that far, then I farm sewers and the glands for atk. A couple of sprites for the atk as well.
As I said, I play every day.


do you use adobe flash?


No, it makes me lag more than it does on chrome.


so you just use browser?


Yep. Don’t mention flash projector, it’s ten times worse than my experience with browser.


@Laserquest @Brunear please use another place than this for chatting.




Lol wat


Thats from 2012, I assume that isn’t your death and that someone dragged a crap ton of goblins from the forest onto an afk person