The Farewell Thread


:confused: is that a sign of happiness or sadness?


The world may never know, good bye sweet prince.




Why would you have gotten ip banned???


word from the deri discord.


dont forget


your problem might be solved with that


thank fucking god.


No. I was ipbanned for having 50 bots following me at eusouthwest nexus yesterday


Stop lying on the forums and go outside for a change, lmao.


Been a while since I’ve last posted, and at that time I think I was still a regular.

Slowly, I’e been backing away from Realm. Honestly, thee only reason I’ve enjoyed the game as much as I did for this last year is because I’ve been wealthy enough to get away from what I hate doing the most: farming. When I started Realm, the only thing I enjoyed out of it was merching. I merched on and off for a year, and checked prices of pretty much all of the items daily.

Then some friends convinced me to start actually playing the game, as in fighting enemies, running hard dungeons, and more. I really enjoyed it! But the one thing I absolutely despised was… farming for my gear. I found the repetitiveness boring, and I just refrained from doing it. My loot stocks let me keep insta-maxing and dying for maybe a whole year, and I had a lot of fun.

But now, most of it’s gone, and I really don’t want to farm and farm for maybe weeks just to get a character or two. But that isn’t all. I’ve slowly been preferring competitive PVP games to Realm, just because of the (in my opinion) greater excitement and greater enjoy-ability when playing with friends. Games with (again, in my opinion) more action and faster paced gameplay caught my eye, like League of Legends, CS:GO once in a while, and Fortnite.

For the past three or four months not including the last three or four weeks, I’ve been spending maybe ten times more time on the forums than on realm. I still wanted to participate in the community, and the forums to me was a better time than Realm. But all things must come to an end. I’m most likely leaving Realm and the forums forever. The rest of my single digit amount of life and some throwaway skins are going to a couple of friends who still like to play.


I’ve been poor in Realm for a while, and can’t bring myself to brainlessly farm dungeons. I now have more interest in other games, and Realm just doesn’t seem to me fun or exciting anymore.

It was a great three years. Goodbye, and good luck to all!


Good luck in other games :frowning:
add me on fortnite if you want, ign is ScurySnek21


BNever thought I’d be typing this out, but seems like at every persons realm career there comes an end.

My reasons here are very much like @JLTheBeast, I’ve been playing a lot of competitive fortnite Lately with friends, and find that a bit more fun that mindlessly grinding in realm. I also got a new pc, which opens up a lot of possibilities with me (as I was using my school laptop for realm)

I’m not completely leaving the game, I’ll still pop in for updates maybe 1 or 2 times a month, but as for playing 3> hours a day? Nope.

Albeit leaving the game, there’s no chance I’m leaving these forums, so y’all are stuck with me for a while longer :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not suiciding any chars or giving away anything, cause Ik me and I’m probably gonna come back later on at some stage in my life to find that there are 500 classes and deca doesn’t have potato servers.

Edit: seems a few of the forumers play fortnite, gonna grab my username on epic games tomorrow and edit it in here for y’all to add me

Edit 2: Ok add me @SirSpud14560


no pls, why is everyone leaving for fortnite D:
pls add me too! ScurySnek21 on fortnite, or i can add you!


if it’s for some flavour of the month/year game they’ll be back.


Fortnite? psh… might as well play pubg instead, much better. Cs:go still master race, although I got vacced on all my accounts.


We can’t really say one is better than the other, they have many differences.

PUBG is more realistic overall, it has vehicles and many different weapons from our world.

Fornite is more cartoony, but it’s also harder and demands more strategy because of the ability to build/destroy terrain.

The two are great games, made for different kinds of people.


Well SirSpud, I’d thought I’d never be typing this too but it seems as though I need to leave my realm career behind for awhile too. But before I get started, this is not because of Fortnite or video games which I have interests in today, no its none of that. After these holidays, spending vacation around different parts of Australia, some with my good ol’ mate @SirSpud , I have really thought about where life could take me this year in 2018. Now don’t get me wrong here, I’m not abandoning you guys, especially @LongSkelly because I know we have some unfinished business to take care of :wink: :wink: but back to the topic I just think I can do better things with my life instead of sitting in front of a computer screen for hours trying to attain loot I want so I can progress with the game.

This year I want to really focus on my work and achieve greatness academically really. Not only am I going to focus on my work but also focus on spending more time with my family and friends. But don’t get me wrong all you guys are my friends too so I may hop on from there to there but I’m not going to dedicate myself as much to it as I did last year. Speaking of dedicate, I remember some of you guys saying I treated the forums like it was my job which gave me a little chuckle to be fairly honest with you and gave me a nice smile/grin too which made me feel really supported in a way.

Maybe in holiday time I’ll be on for a bit and maybe if I get some free time from work and I actually feel like playing it a bit but that’s really all you guys. If you guys still want to keep it in touch with me though, then here’s my discord tag —> burnix81#5538

Anyways that’s all for now. Do expect me to be saying hello again though!



Damn, Gl with whatever you try to do in the future man. As the great talwar would say…


ohhi dad