The General Chat Thread v2


I doubt something like that exists, perhaps it’s just luck :four_leaf_clover:


I would say no. Just luck! (Don’t go burning yourself out before the rework now. I’d expect it no sooner than Dec. 36th :smirk:)


lmao, can’t wait!


I guess I still exist. I got logged out of the forums and hadn’t updated the game in over half a year, but I didn’t actually get around to getting a new password until now lol

Guess I’m just waiting for the purported Realm rework before I quit the game for good after playing around with that alongside some of my old friends and guildies


Still alive in RotMG and logging in daily, but not as active as before.


I’m still hoping for the day when RotMG gets a lasting surge in popularity and grows the playerbase further. It’s a little sad for me seeing how barely active the community is, both inside and outside of the game itself. I don’t want to feel alone as someone who makes creative RotMG stuff in the current day. This is an old game with a lot to love but not enough people left to love it.


same here


I do find it quite interesting how much the community has died off lately. I wonder how much of that is people just getting burned out from playing the same game year after year, and how much of that is due to the current structure of the game. Regardless, it’s sad to see it reduced to this state, and I hope a realm rework will (at least temporarily) put some more fuel in this thing.


January and february where always when new playercount lows where reached, accompanied by a lot of dooming on the subreddit. 2020 through 2022 where peak years for the game with Exalt, O3, new tiered weapons, Shatters redesign and the summoner and kensei addition. 2023 has been pretty quiet in contrast, really a return to the normal.


I’m surprised to see the forum still kicking around. A walk down memory lane led me here, well, doxxing myself did anyways! I haven’t played Realm in what feels like years. It’s probably been a few. My memories are fleeting, but the impact this game had will always touch my life. I’m starting a game company today, though I don’t have the capabilities yet to release anything noteworthy. I’m still teaching myself OpenGL, but one day soon!




Makes me think of “My name is Jeff” creepypasta.


Oh hey look, it’s Hank


6 posts were split to a new topic: Gifs of birds