The General Chat Thread


Haha begone electric


It’s such a convenience when soloing :frowning: I’ll be sad to see it nerfed so hard


Yeah I kinda get that, but on the bright side archer will be more viable with tiered quiver again


Anyone else playing guild wars 2 lately like me? RotMG is not bad but I need a break from it every now and then.


Eh? When was this again? Are you confusing it with the ~25% base HP reduction to bosses/enemies gaining adaptive scaling, or is my memory being fuzzy as always?


No, there was a point where this dungeon specifically had its enemies and bosses nerfed. Let’s see if I can find it real quick…

Edit: This was certainly one! I believe it was the first major change.

The Puppet Theatre

Puppets have significantly decreased HP!

  • The Puppet Master: 110000 -> 70000
  • False Puppet Masters activate sooner
  • Knight Puppet: 5000 -> 2000
  • Warrior Puppet: 4000 -> 1500
  • Paladin Puppet: 3500 -> 1500
  • Puppet Leather: 4000 -> 1000
  • Puppet Robe: 3000 -> 800
  • Sorcerer Puppet: 2500 -> 600
  • Oryx Puppet: 45000 -> 35000
  • Minion Puppet: 7000 -> 2000

Link to the thread


Oohhh yeah, the one that made the puppets less like tanks!
I interpreted it as a nerf to HP for a bunch of dungeons - so like, dungeon specific being used as specific to only dungeons, rather than specific to only the Theatre >A<


@XBookwyrmX is you pets name, Sirius, a reference to Sirius black?


Wait a second… yes, but how did you guess that? I’ve been using the Golden Sagittarius skin almost since I obtained a legendary pet (because I found it as a drop alongside my Pot of Gold Nyan Cat wannabe around that time c; ), and that was some time ago, considering I’m F2P.

Did you somehow know I had a Black Wolf as a rare pet? Because that was transformed long before I revealed my face on the forums. :thinking:


Nah, I was looking at your RealmEye to check your pet level and I sawbit


I should make that question less convoluted. What made you guess “Sirius Black” from Sirius?

(Also, no concerns, but what drove you to look at my pet level in the first place? :blush:)

  1. I figured, how many Siriuses are there?
  2. I was checking to see when you (and a few other players) were first seen to their current pet level, and comparing the time it took them to how long I have been playing and my pet level to see how far behind I am lol


I’m not going to deny I only know of 2 other Sirius entities. One is the constellation, better known as Canis Major (which is also a black canine, so the only connection to my Sagittarius is being a constellation), and the other is an antagonist in the Bomberman franchise:

(I just liked this picture, I know it isn’t the original model)

Also, best of luck with growing your own pet! They’re extremely useful, even if they are a blight to the game structure.


imo the graveyard summary’s total fame is a better check if that’s what you want


Thought that was Orion from Brawlhalla for a second.


Neo posted a video of one of the two guild o3 runs we did, check it out: Second guild o3 video will be out soon


Glawi is yet to like every post in white bag thread v2


Hey, just asking, (not necessarily to become), but, how do you become a leader?


You have to be hand picked by the mods.


Ok thanks! Saw a few cool people with that title and wondered about it, but thanks for the quick reply!