The Hidden Laboratory: A Boss Dungeon by Sturky


Greetings People! I am Sturky, and thi-

Hey wait a second, we’ve been here before haven’t we?

Well, following my return, all of my dungeons are returning as well! But don’t think these will be mere reposts, no no no, i’m in the process of updating all of them, whether it’s balancing, general issues, or lack of images, cough cough " Realm of Darkness " cough cough they’re all being modified, and in the order I had posted them too, starting off the list, we have The Hidden Laboratory, Take a look, it’s only 20 pages, nothing crazy, half of that is blank space anyway. :wink:

Also, don’t forget the feedback, don’t be a StarliAS like he was on The Clock Tower, nice communities are always, well, nice.

[details=And for those of you wondering about my future dungeon endeavors. ( Note: These are in the ESTIMATED order of release. )]The Kraken’s Lair: Another boss dungeon, similar to what you just read, but with UNDERWATER MECHANICS!

The Forgotten Forest: Mid game dungeon, around Mad Lab level, gives a cool ninja set.

The Realm of Darkness: Late game dungeon, hard, long, gives life, and a broken mystic orb.

Those are the ones I had posted on the kabam forums, so all of the following dungeons haven’t been shown to the public.

The Crystal Caverns: Think the Ice Cave, except the " Leech Pad " Is a giant walking behemoth that’s trying to murder you.

Magmatic Wastelands: Go from platform to platform, break thing, progress. LOTS OF LAVA.

The Hidden Laboratory V2: Revamp of original, completely different mechanics, drops etc.

The Kraken’s Lair V2: ^^^^^

The Sky Sanctuary: Main endgame dungeon I plan on doing, much harder than shats, might be harder or easier than Lost Halls, dunno how that’ll turn out.

Cathedral Ward: “ BATSHIT ENDGAME “ Puffagod-esque dungeon, Also very creepy and disturbing… ( I will GLADLY go into detail if you wish. )

Void Rift: Same as Cathedral Ward, except replace the creepiness with dimension travelling aliens.

Heart of the Nexus: WoW raid meets Rotmg, Think Lair of Draconis, But each “ boss “ is now it’s own challenge with different mechanics.

Abandoned Mines: Have nothing for the dungeon so far, My friend gave me the idea for the dungeon, but I doubt i’ll even make this one.

Lore of Rotmg

I remember this from the Kabam Forums! I liked it back then and I like it now.

I don’t have much to say about it. I’ll give it a 7/10.


@SturkyUsed I love it! We really need some more mini bosses to fight at Janus’s portal or keys!

The only think I don’t like is the key sprite, and the helm sprite I think could be redesigned as well.

I’m glad that someone is making simple mini boss dungeons though, I hope the community looks at this and your future ideas.


Well, the pink part on the helm was meant to be a visor, sorta like this.

Except the shading is probably what makes it look bad, doesn’t it?


interesting concept, while I don’t know of anything mechanically wrong with it (although the helm is a tad plain) the sprites are just weird for me. for example:

this is a side-mounted gun, but it doesn’t connect at the side. it in fact, doesn’t appear to connect to anything at all. it just floats there along the wall. if you changed the weapons to instead be floor mounted that would fix about 90% of the sprite problems


Uhh wow so many dungeon convepts I’m excited!!

Also, your spoiler isn’t hiding anything, just a headsup!


Well, the weapons and the drone itself are all meant to be attached to the wall on the back, but there’s a few issue with that itself.

1: Walls can’t be higher than what looks like a single floor tile.

2: Because of camera rotation, there’s no way to get something to be truly attached to a wall.

3: It can’t be clipping into the wall, because that would block your shots, and it cuts into the sprite, as we can see with Janus during his rage phase.

Well, I never put tags on the sprites, so I have no way of actually editing the sprites without redoing it from scratch, I can still get the colors though.

Also, I didn’t want to edit the sprites, as I wanted to keep the idea quite similar to how it was on the Kabam forums.

Yes, I realized, It looked completely fine on the right side when I was posting, but then it just didn’t work when I posted it, I even have Scorchmist’s guide for this stuff, It’s not working!


Just finished reading the document. Could you add this discussion about the sprites that Xaklor and you had into the actual doc? I was thoroughly confused as to how the boss sprites could have seemed logically placed.

It just looked like all the sprites were just placed sideways sorta, and especially for the flamethrower it looked weird (on my phone) like the gun muzzle is facing to the right but the whole flames shoot downward towards the players. Just an edit in the doc would help clarify this part imo.

I love the designs though! Perhaps the floor tiles could be made a bit less non-repetitive, but that’s just me nit picking since most of the fight looks good enough!


You have no idea how long it takes for me to get the text to align exactly how I want it to, do you?

Well actually of course you don’t, but i’ll see what I can do about it.


Amazing idea!
Lemme guess, based on the Terraria skeletron prime, isn’t it?
The only problem is the helmet. It seems very useless, since why would you ever buff others? The only use for this helm I thin is for this dungeon only, since you might not be able to reach other players whilst that shotgun fire hell destroyer is firing at you.

(Sheesh, just take it. It was MY lunch money, you know. Better appreciate it.)
Damn it i really wanted that pack of doggy biscuits


[quote=“XDRDogex, post:10, topic:11505”]
Lemme guess, based on the Terraria skeletron prime, isn’t it?[/quote]

Nope, however the final boss of the Crystal Caverns IS based on a terraria boss, and a terraria item, at the same time!



so many dungeon!

two decent+ dungeons in 2-3 days, usually we get like one/3months.


Scorchmist you made the guide for realmeye formatting, any ideas how my collapsed section messed up?


you need a enter between the highlighted areas

And for those of you wondering about my future dungeon endeavors. ( Note: These are in the ESTIMATED order of release. )

The Kraken’s Lair: Another boss dungeon, similar to what you just read, but with UNDERWATER MECHANICS!

The Forgotten Forest: Mid game dungeon, around Mad Lab level, gives a cool ninja set.

The Realm of Darkness: Late game dungeon, hard, long, gives life, and a broken mystic orb.

Those are the ones I had posted on the kabam forums, so all of the following dungeons haven’t been shown to the public.

The Crystal Caverns: Think the Ice Cave, except the " Leech Pad " Is a giant walking behemoth that’s trying to murder you.

Magmatic Wastelands: Go from platform to platform, break thing, progress. LOTS OF LAVA.

The Hidden Laboratory V2: Revamp of original, completely different mechanics, drops etc.

The Kraken’s Lair V2: ^^^^^

The Sky Sanctuary: Main endgame dungeon I plan on doing, much harder than shats, might be harder or easier than Lost Halls, dunno how that’ll turn out.

Cathedral Ward: “ BATSHIT ENDGAME “ Puffagod-esque dungeon, Also very creepy and disturbing… ( I will GLADLY go into detail if you wish. )

Void Rift: Same as Cathedral Ward, except replace the creepiness with dimension travelling aliens.

Heart of the Nexus: WoW raid meets Rotmg, Think Lair of Draconis, But each “ boss “ is now it’s own challenge with different mechanics.

Abandoned Mines: Have nothing for the dungeon so far, My friend gave me the idea for the dungeon, but I doubt i’ll even make this one.


Well, I didn’t have that part in originally, because the collapse had messed up, and there was an enter there, but now it works fine, strange.


yeah formatting is a pain


I love the dungeon idea, but I have two suggestions:

  1. The portal sprite looks pretty weird to me :confused:
  2. This is just me but I don’t like having the idea that pressing a key will activate the boss, maybe it should be something entered into the chat? Dunno, probably just me lol


It appears that I was wrong with this statement.


This definitely isn’t a bump.


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