The Introduction Thread




Here just use this link

and use

But please Iā€™m just helping donā€™t spam this over the forums


Like this???
Like this???


It works!!!!!!!!


Rainbowā€¦ oh noā€¦ coloured text just doesnā€™t agree with me.


Youā€™ve made a mistake


Hello, Iā€™m Lucky


Welcome to the forums!

Have a cookie :cookie: and some candy :candy:

Enjoy your stay!


Oh really? How many white bags do you get per day?


White bags are not the only case of luck my friend.


Not enough


Appreciated :slight_smile:


Then please, go get a name change. ā€œUnluckyā€, for example, suits you.

EDIT: Nevermind, Unlucky is taken.


Lucky is sweeter on the ears

I wonder who owns that accountā€¦


Probably some @Lucky bastard.


Iā€™ve already met Candy, now I have to meet myself again?

Sup, youā€™re lucky to have such a punny name


Iā€™m new to this forum! :smile:




I urge you to shy away from anyone who calls you a retard or other similarly unoriginal and toxic slurs.

other than that this is kind of a nice place. I think.


Thatā€™sā€¦ certainly aā€¦ bluntā€¦ welcome.

Welcome @MagmaCent!

Have a :cookie:!