The White Bag Thread v2


First sprite I ran. Got excited then disappointed.




I thought I FINALLY got the mini stheno skin for the sin.





With the exception of some tops and assorted items (mystery stat pots, tinctures, leveling potions, etc.), the answer is yes.


At least its not an inc


if you don’t want it, just feed it. 2000 Feedpower





That is just no, no more brains deca…


I like collecting the skins so I do have it in my wardrobe, but I was peeved because I’ve spent so many days and snake pits trying to get the stheno skin only to have it be this one instead lol. I’ve easily done over 1k of pits for this to be the skin I got :stuck_out_tongue:


k, but I don’t like collecting brains of the golem… is the drop rates broken or I’m just lucky…



pretty much everything ive gotten so far give or take a few items ive put on some chars


Still haven’t gotten brain yet which I need to complete the set


hahaha xd


gotta get the yung garments still :eyes:


How many dblades can I get in one day? This one’s funny though. I was running with a warrior who thought he could drag a ton of brutes into the boss room. Almost got me killed and I had to spam potions. He wound up nexusing and I got the white bag. That’s how it’s done boys.


you should see how many brains i got… I have now 6 in total