The White Bag Thread v2







That took a while, compared to all a y’all >n<


First lost halls white!
Thankful it wasn’t void bow or quiver, and it’s useful on my trix!




That moment when you get a gem right before they call location for lh. :frowning: Wasn’t able to get a screenshot. Then next thing I dc from lh…

First gem though


My first void white, and was on ppe.



Don’t enjoy bow classes that much. My best 3 chars that have died were all bow classes and that sorta demotivated me lol




My 2nd conflict. So happy about it, it’s the best looking orb.


A natural Bulwark found in the wild


Not quite a white bag (rarer?)


Hey, sure. Pretty neat.


which mob?


I believe it’s the Hand of the Helpless, but I’m not sure.
Maybe it’s all the “major” enemies!


Double White! Lol.