The White Bag Thread v2


My bad take a break. :wink:


lol ive never goten an event white----------click under for my life


my life is that ima commit suicide if I dont get a event white in the next month. Even my friend got a ogmur from ice cave died and got another one right after from lottl. hella sad life. :frowning: id know
i may quit rotmg


My only event white drop prior to yesterday was a ray katana. I’ve had an oreo that was obtained during 2013 UT weekend, but other than that, nothing. So don’t worry, you will get there. I recommend melee classes for farming events. Rogue is also very good.

Rogue, Warrior, Knight, and Assassin to some extent are Tier 1 event farming classes.



The candies from the calendar allowed me to purchase another item from the Extreme Candies collection. I chose vitality, to max a Sorc’s later, because I plan on making one again.


Everytime I do a dungeon after not doing it for ages I seem to get a white. Weird.


meti why are you in realmeye forums


ninja star gave you white bag


i have a splendor and choose not to use it


wasn’t on my knight ppe so therefore it will be insignificant


play more


Because I’m cooler than you loser




smh stupid guildie


hey i guess that kinda happens to me too


If there is new event thread someone ping me?


Its been a while since i’ve uploaded trash to this thread


I waste 2-3 hours of my life on dis game? U SAY PLAY MORE???


so you’ve played 3 hours and you’re already an orange star? man, power creep really sucks, deca needs to nerf fame.


Check his realmeye

Wait did I just get wooshed