The White Bag Thread v3




Whoops :sweat_smile:


Thank you @SkySlurp for respecting my wishes.

What would you ideal character be?




That is nobody I knew until today, but @Dbiz has seen him before. He has a cool name






literally back to back from dbow


FINALY! Second ever sb armor, first of the robe. It is so beautiful!!!

YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!!! I was way to exited to get this!

Oh. That was a bit unexpected.

So hyped for the item forge tomorrow. I have saved essentially half of a years UTs. Time to trade stuff for the assassin I’m going to be making with the new character slot in a few days.


:eyes: a fine choice.


Well I mean I do only have three options without having multiples of a class, including trickster- which I just lost a ton of- and Mystic- Which I thoroughly distain, but yeah.


You won’t be able to trade it in very soon unless you get all of the needed blueprints immediately, which most likely won’t happen


Episode 8 roller coaster moment after losing 2 7/8’s in a day and losing it on my 3rd maxed Archer a day ago.

I happened to spam UDL to get my Necro’s Wis maxed and Septavius himself gifted me his prized weapon again. Experienced heart attack for a sec when I saw the bag.

2 Septavius’/3 TRooms/1 Standard Chest so far.


I’m back


Cant seem to get a cranium and no way am I forging it so wizzy gonna be ugly until it dies :frowning:



right after posting my last post

excited to try this!


Did I see someone with a naughty name? :eyes: :eyes: :eyes: