The White Bag Thread v3


Right after I broke my 5 months no-TP streak. Also, I was carrying 9th ASS that I got from Janus.

Too bad I won’t use them but I will take them as collections.

Edit: Got Garland Bow (but with 4 dudes’ grave on the background). This bow will be sacrificed.


Took me couple tens Sews (about 20). Now I have both whites from Gulpord himself.

I was poker-face when I saw the drop.

A CSword reskin? I will take that.

What is my luck with Anointed??? 1/5/6/3

Finally, I can complete the Akuma Slayer Set.

10th ASS… 2 ASS in a day?!

Jesus Christ what is going on today?





I was just thinking about how I wanted a fungal spell for my wizard when I got my first two!


No way… all I want is the dang spell… u luckyyyyy


oh yeah

The Death Thread


Less than 24 hours later after my Samu died…

Ava appears

I call Tablet

Moments later…

And I just got another one. I called it.



not pyra


Ah dang here we go again!

Daichi white when?

EZ forge material.


Loot Dump

Nothing here rn, trying to fix pictures. : )




Oh my I didn’t realize


hmmm, did u TP to the boss? :grinning:




Why… just why… I guess I would unlock it as my skin collection…

Not so excited on this even when it took me the 4th roll to get it. Unlocked everything beside Gardener Ninja and the pet skin.

Come on… I just want Shrine Priestess/Ordinary Magician… ;(





garfield bow

Why do I get bows on a Samurai npe

