The White Bag Thread v3


Not the blue quiver I was missing.


Going into your pet’s mouth…?




Hmm. It looks like @Ecookied is MIA lol




Posting so Glawi gives me a <3


First o3 white bag post? :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s a lot of dudes getting cremated by O3…


I’d definitely be one of them.


Got the free pack and… Prism of Shattered Light



no white but the skin is rare too i think




got the new leather armor





Mhm. So long story short, @Wilhuff feeds a lot of things I need and pretty good items. So I get mad a lot.


:joy: Savage. Well, I wasn’t far from the truth! I’m not exactly at that point of fp luxury yet, but I’ve made do through other means. Hey, unless Wilhuff is dropping them on the ground (then whatever) they’re still minutely beneficial.

This also gives me the dreadful reminder that I’ll be reading through both previous white bag threads here soon… mercy!