Tied Army is recruiting! (USMidWest2)


oof this guild is filling up fast


Hey man, I would love to join if you’d have me


i hope i could join


How active do I need to be?
I just started playing again, and I can only promise weekends (even so, that’s a big maybe).


This sounds fun! Hmu pretty much anytime tomorrow.


… You’re OG Tied Army.
Welcome back friend.


We’re filling up extremely fast. Anybody else who wants to join, either hit me up in game or on realmeye!


I’d love to join! I’m currently a 2/8 wizard and I’m looking for an active guild to have fun with. Hit me up!
IGN: CoolChainz


Lol thanks


i would love to join!


If you guys have room, I would like to join(probably).


leaving pollen? smart move :thumbsup:


Pleaseeeee don’t let any of them see this, they would think I am disloyal. However, if they do, I’m just going to say…


If any pollen member saw this it sure wouldn’t be due to me,

if you wanna take a blast to the past on the forums search “pollen” in the search bar.

anyway, good luck on your new guild :smiley:


Assuming they accept me.


We are full. Sorry.




I actually joined the guild recently(around a month ago) so, not much nostalgia on my part.


i would like to joing this guild, I usually play on USMIDWEST 2 how can I join?


Hi, i would love to join you!!