Tiered Rings Rebalance


Its okay, better that than having them drop on the ground right?




Found those, not so surprising…
All RotMG Analysis Posts : InteractiveTutorial (reddit.com)

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UB rings should probably be a little better but a buff of this size is unwarranted. They’re quite common drops, not just from endgame dungeons but from pre-endgame dungeons like Shatters. Making them competitive with coveted white bag rings like Halls and especially O3 rings doesn’t make sense because they’re tradeable items and shouldn’t be as good. I think Exalted rings should be buffed to 8 in each stat and UB rings should be buffed to 12 in each stat. This will make them debatably as good as Revenant Ring or Geb’s Ring of Wisdom- it power scales them to other similarly rare rings, without buffing them past that point.


As a divine pet owner, I sorely miss the days when I could think about feeding my pet non pet feed items.

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That is already a thing.

You share a similar opinion to this guy:


oh, then stick exalteds to 9 in each stat


Too common? -> Nerf droprates

This doesnt make much sense considering we have T6 abilities which aren’t as rare as the respective endgame whitebags, yet they easily rival said white bags. You could say the exact same thing about T6 abilities being far more common than these whites and yet they serve a purpose in almost every situation.

From your answer I assume you didnt read my replies in this topic (correct me if im wrong) and while it can take a while, I think its important you and anyone else take the time to do it because they help tinker why I chose such stats and why, showing that they are not baseless or simply arbitrary values that appeared in my head.


This doesn’t affect the huge number of T6 rings already in circulation though

…most t6 abilities DON’T rival the endgame whitebags. t7 abilities do.

I did read your replies…


Same thing can be said about T6 abilities and other tops, they can be dupped afterall. Even when DECA rings didn’t have a drop location, there were still thousands of them in game and the community never experienced an outage of them of any sort, this because they just kept being dupped even with all the deaths wearing them. As I said before, prices adjust to how useful the item is. If the item gets better, it will go up in price.
I don’t really see what’s the problem of having a lot of them in circulation. After a nerf to droprates they will eventually settle down, plus, no one keeps most rings because they’re so trash so there are probably more DECA rings in people’s vaults than there are other UB rings apart from HP, which means that there are less of them than other rings in circulation.

This is wrong… The only whites that surpass T6 completely are Oryx’s Sanctuary whites, because the dungeon can drop T7. All the rest is balanced around T6. In fact, before O3 was a thing, the highest was T6, so it would make no sense if they just made an upgrade to them as a white and put them in a dungeon. Some whites might have better damage, but it always comes with a cost in some other area.

Just saying because it didn’t seem so.

You talk about stuff that I’ve gone over already. Not agreeing is one thing, but you didn’t even acknowledge them. You basically just repeated the same as some other people have.

Not only the matter about them dropping from endgame dungeons (Shatters IS an endgame dungeon, unfortunately due to its trash design its very easily cheesable, but theres a rework coming for it and it offers Exaltations, which only Endgame dungeons do) VS other rings dropping from midgame content and yet rivalling these rings but also:

  • Tradeability, which I have addressed (DECA ring is tradeable and one of the best rings in the game, yet people seem to forget it when talking about tradeability and how items cant be strong cuz they’re tradeable);
  • Matching them with other Tiered gear in the same way as to be good in their own right (without being surpassed) while giving room for other rings to have their more spread out stats, which I also have addressed;
  • Droprate, which I have addressed as well.
  • Inconsistency (the fact that one of the best rings in the game, UBHP, has the same droprate as other UB rings AND is tradeable, yet people say that the others can’t receive buffs because they’re tradeable/droprate (topics which have also been covered) and yet you have an example of a Strong, Tradeable AND Tiered RING in game, which supposedly goes against what you say that shouldn’t happen), which I have addressed too.
  • Lack of Balance between even Tiered rings themselves. For a more comprehensive comparison you can check the reply about the DEF a tiered ring offers VS the HP a ring offers. It really shows you how useless a DEF ring is (or how OP a HP ring is, depending on your point of view). Even if it was to be buffed to 2x its value it still wouldnt be as useful as one would expect. I have also addressed this.

All of it in my replies, so since you read them you probably either ignored them or didn’t give them much thought.

I hope this doesn’t sound aggressive lol, I have no ill intent. It’s just a tad frustrating having to repeat the same stuff.


it’s ok, one day it will be 100/100/100 and you won’t ever have to feed again


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