Tincture of Untold Treasure [WIP I guess]


Tincture of Untold Treasure


A potion that temporarily guarantees one white or special themed item from a boss.


• Duration: 15 seconds (like a normal tinc)
• Cooldown: 999 seconds (so you can’t use it twice in the same dungeon)
• Effect: Guarantees the player that consumes it a white/ST item from any boss (anything that has a quest marker and drops a white/ST) that dies during the 15 seconds.
• Stat Bonus: None
• Not usable in realm.
• Feed Power: 15 (like a normal tinc)
• Soulbound

Possible Methods of Obtaining (pretty much WIP):

• Trade in “The Elixir of the Divine” and “Elixir No. 4” once per week (maybe month) to the Tinkerer

  • Trade in (a combination of) eight of the following to the Tinkerer to receive “The Elixir of the Divine”

Bq1AfqO 2Z9Qyji image image image w5uuI9K qNAi9Gu image JNICVjv At least one of these marks will be required.
image DdxAC38 image image image image FdtY3xC R09xIwZ 13lwKcA 2RRvqWJ image At least one of these marks will be required.
image image image image image At least one of these marks will be required.
image qqDay9h image image image image At least one of these marks will be required.
image One clover will be required.


I know this is a bold idea, it’s not even done yet. But I hope you guys can see where I’m going with this. Now, to the method of obtaining, I would’ve liked to require one of every mark, but that would require untold amounts of inventory space. “The Elixir of the Divine” and “Elixir No. 4” are just “mock ups” for making this harder to get, possibly making it so you’ll need more marks or items.

Deca will most likely not put this into the game, and there are many problems that can arise if put into the game at it’s current state. But I just want to put this out there since I did actually put some effort into making this.

This is made for the people who just want to grind faster, have a better chance at something they want, and ultimately to play the game less repetitively, at least for a little bit.


No Soulbound tag?


Forgot about that, thanks.


How about trooms though?


I think it would be better if it were just boss only, it’d also be harder to implement.


You misunderstand, if I were to find a wlab troom while group is at boss, and I tp back to finish boss off, do I get 2 whites?


It should only apply to the boss since the TRoom doesn’t/shouldn’t count as a boss or have a quest marker (Agonized Titan is kinda wonky though).


If I was farming A.S.S I’d be ecstatic.


I know udl troom’s one has a quest marker, would that encourage finding each, reducing each to a sliver of health, then getting 4 dbows?


You could possibly do that, but keep in mind that there’s a teleportation cooldown. Realistically speaking, this shouldn’t happen often.

Keep in mind this is WIP


very cool idea, i actually like it a lot (especially with how heavy the rng is with whites in some dungeons).

except with the fact that deca said they were planning to release a ut/st exchange system in the future, i’m 100% certain it’d be a horrible idea putting it into the game alongside said system. mainly because items that are supposed to be really rare will become as common as dirt. (maybe as an alternative though, then its a cool idea yeah!).


Honestly, I think it’s too overpowered. Maybe increase the chance of a bag by 20% or something?


guarantee a white bag is broken, especially on end game dungeons like halls, shatts etc

but I think it’s okay for guarantee a white/orange bag on gland dungeons


• Shatts is definitely troublesome with this, since you’d basically guarantee yourself a Crown. But it’s also kinda risky since sometimes you can’t insta the boss or something happens and your 15 seconds run out.
• GLand dungeons will work well, but not many people will probably use them there,
• Halls shouldn’t have a problem since you should have plenty of time during Void chest phase and MBC pauses for a few seconds before he explodes, Cult will only be slightly harder.
• Fungul will be alright, as you should be able to judge when the boss will die.

We could add something like petrify for 15 seconds, but it would have to be on a different system as priests could just Puri it away.


Remove the cooldown
Usable in realm
Have to get ALL marks
1 time use


Sorry if I didn’t explain it right, but it’s supposed to be consumed, the cooldown is only if you have amassed more than one.

It shouldn’t be used in Realm since event whites are extremely sought after and this would entirely ruin that.

Getting all marks is a good idea, but it requires a lot of inventory space and a lot of people can’t really spare that amount of space, it can be expanded to how they did Entropy Reactor, with the combination of multiple different items, but that’s something isn’t really in dire need of explaining/developing unless this actually went into the game.


if you wanted all marks but worried about the inventory space you could break into four or five fragments and do it a bit like oryx’s o, r, y, and x if anyone remembers those.

whoops. didnt realise the bump. Oh well.


None the less a good idea!


It’s rather unfortunate that T-room exclusive drops (Just Naval Uniform, really) aren’t included since Trooms are unaffected.


It could be implemented, but I don’t think we’ll see this in the game ever.