Toastrz power tripping


The user is discussion was banned on stream, clearly showing that Toastrz banned him after he asked him a normal non offensive question.


In toastrz game?


Kind of funny how they don’t ban hackers, dupers and griefers but when a legit player, a STREAMER who is supporting their game by streaming it and giving them exposure thennn they can just ban for no reason at all.


They do, there are a ton, they need evidence, and they need to make sweeping changes to help fix cheating instead. they have recently spoken on cracking down more on cheats. Whether they do this or not we shall see

Also this is besides the point

I knew a stream that Hacked, cheated, doxed, stole accounts AND STREAMED realm 5 years ago (with hacks on but not apparent to the viewers)


They don’t ban almost anyone relatively speaking.

Just because they talk some bs in a reddit post doesnt mean they actually do something

Whats your point? I know loads of people like this


I’m saying streamers don’t get a get out of jail free card.


This is me, If you remember me from the past my old ign was Bigbadbill. I believe you told me to create a new account after i had gotten perma banned, so I did. I spent my time and money on my new account “Kamaro” before it was PERMA BANNED by Toastrz purely based off of false accusations from another player. So I made this new account and this is where the story goes


16 posts were merged into an existing topic: The General Chat Thread v2


No I told you to Email deca your whole story regarding xsolla.

You are affiliated in some way with RWT, you are guilty


how long until Toastrz responds


What if they got tipped off for hacking right after asking that question?
It seems like a pretty quick jump to immediately assume something like that could just randomly happen.


They didn’t, I can guarentee you that he just banned me for asking the question


UPDATE: He banned another account that I made this morning


Why did you write the OP as if it was about someone else if you’re the one owning the account?




why do you have toastrz locked? it looks like you’re just chasing and looking for trouble
unlock him and let bygones be bygones

i wouldn’t mention this topic anymore or talk about it to anyone if i were you, because it doesn’t look like it’s getting you anywhere

it doesn’t matter who’s right/wrong at this point

there are people i’m not a big fan of, and circumstances i resent, but i don’t egg it on


Why do you have a High Profile Realm player locked?!


copy paste


Did I not get perma banned for asking Toastrz a question? you can see me lock him if you check the vod.


Could someone give a short summary of wtf is going on I’m so confused