

Consistently in the top 10 of active guilds in Australia, we do small MBC/Cult runs quite often (and mostly successfully too), we are just getting prepped for the incoming overarching nerfs that’ll be hitting Realm soon. Overall we’re an active guild and have lots of fun, we’d prefer you join our Discord once you join the guild (check the ghall guild board for the Discord link).


  • Language? Australian only.
  • Base fame: 10 k and 2 max characters.
  • Skills: Can run small MBCS/Cults (2 - 8 other melees) and can do Voids (discord runs or whatever).
  • Hacker-neutral(ish, we’d prefer you don’t openly talk about your use of a third-party client, etc.)
  • Time zone: AEST (GMT+10).
  • Necessary contributions : Need to be active, whatever time you can comfortably fit in within a week preferably 5 -7 hours a week, and would appreciate popping Lost Hall, Fungal, Nest, other end game dungeon and event keys.

How to apply:

PM in-game: DougHudson, Zeboyd, Swaggmanss, Abignig, Realhoward, Murdusa or Lordthedos.


uhh… what kind of language is Autralian? you might want to put english there instead.

(ah, a fellow sebchoof fan i see.)


Overuse of the word “cunt”.
(I think it was a joke)


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