Trivial Issues Thread


Double space between “will” and “not”






Is that just a graphical bug? Could you complete it? Did you actually have the marks? I NEED ANSWERS!


This frequently happens to me. It can be fixed by walking away until the overlay disappears, then talking to the tinkerer again.


3 posts were split to a new topic: Item description too tall to fit on screen


3 posts were split to a new topic: Wrong count of Heroes remaining


A post was split to a new topic: Flesh Collector/Zombie Bottle bug


I don’t understand the Sphinx/physics bug?


For the physics one, look at the wall. Unless these are made of plastic, I’ve never seen an empty stone pillar.


Oh yeah I see it now! The tomb portal spawning so close has obliterated the side of the turret hasn’t it. So we’re seeing the ground through the missing side.

The tower looks a bit like a pharaoh’s hat now, lol.


Mildly infuriating.

The Pumpkin Master says he 'Carved them myself."

However, the Pumpkin of Pain is now a scarecrow. How the fuck do you carve a scarecrow?


Don’t you dare try to tell me that the head is a pumpkin.


It’s clearly a scarecrow made of pumpkin. Duh.


Or it’s filled with pumpkin seeds


I only recently noticed this on the Candy of Ominous Spells…

…that [was] specially made…


I wish I had the patience to complete the maze :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh, I didn’t get it from the maze. I got it from somewhere else last Halloween, and kept it on my Archer due to their common nature at the time.


Another one from Pumpkin Master, it’s not really right English to use ‘gardening’ verb in this way:

Gardening is more the general act of working in a whole garden.
“I spent weeks tending it!”
“I spent weeks growing it!”

I think the technical reason is because ‘to garden’ is an intransitive verb but I’m not that hot on the terminologies of grammar, I confess I just got that reason off Wiktionary.


tf… thats me in the chat lmao


back when beach zone was alive