Trivial Issues Thread


I’m having trouble figuring out if that’s a mistake or not.
I mean, whenever I type out something stupid like that I just keep my fingers on the same place on the keyboard, there’s, like, no way you can mess that up.
On the other hand, who the fuck says “heeheekee”?


One person at least @LudwiGa : Flex Your Sets


the prismimic already used to say that the first time it appeared as an event


what is user card background in user settings on realmeye?


that background


4 posts were split to a new topic: Invisible Tier bug


A post was split to a new topic: Frozen Ship sprite bug




Looks up at sky

Here they come!


A post was split to a new topic: Candy of Extreme life consumed bug


It’s spelled correctly, though.

Yikes I’m bad at reading


Funny thing is that it says raindeers at the top and reindeers at the bottom.





4 posts were split to a new topic: Items have lost their tier




5 posts were split to a new topic: Ship spawned after realm closed


7 votes and 2 comments so far on Reddit






(clarification for those who don’t see it: Oryx calls out that a Frostaract has spawned, but the DisplayId shown in the Quest calls it a Pentaract still)