Trivial Issues Thread


Oh. Oooooooooooh. Nevermind me then, sorry @Nevov, I thought you were pierced heavily by the computer’s typo.

By the way, you can pierce heavily if you have a poetic license.


The tooltip says you need a buddy to use it, but you really don’t.


I don’t have a gif for this or anything, but unstable doesn’t mess up ninja star aiming. I can throw them normally when unstabled.


I noticed that as well and i havent played ninja in a long time





Oh hi Mark


Sounds like an illiterate foreigner were that xD


For avoidance of any doubt:

The description text on To the Mountains! Tinkerer quest should be:
Want some rewards? [or: Want a reward?] Bring these marks back,…


It’s not a bug but, I have noticed several times I have selected a group of people to teleport to and when I click teleport I zoom across the map to a different place than the one I selected.

I believe this is a result of someone teleporting as I teleport so I end up where ever they are going. It can be quite tragic for this to happen when you are trying to get to an event or dungeon.



Doesn’t it say “5% off” in the nexus?



To clarify the issue, it says " And bring his mark back here " Which refers to a single mark, when it is several marks you’re bringing back, thus making it plural.




No, look at the time to reset.
This is what it looks like 10 hours later

Also (dr in the title and dr. in the desc):


Does anyone else see enemies sometimes disapear for a moment before they die and then reappear for like 0,2 secs?


yes, ever since last update.


So I pointed out a second issue then?