Trivial Issues Thread


That’s because the slime one only has one reward, while you have to select a reward for the others.

Selection to be made -> grey out unselected ones that aren’t currently part of the reward
No selection to be made -> full color

Being able to select a reward before meeting the requirements would make this a little more intuitive.


My humanoid elf pet, (never been avian, no pet skin changes) sometimes flies.

Fly little buddy




The fact that I have to read through all of these:

To make sure I don’t duplicate someone else’s post.

Still checking…


You could try the search, with ‘Search this topic’:


2 posts were split to a new topic: Beer God is still spawning on Ent Ancient




This difference between the standing sprite and the walking sprite.


I don’t even see anythign lol





I still dont see it.


Top right green pixel



The green is shaded differently


Wtf how are your eyes so good


To be fair, I’ve been using this as my “default” skin for assassin for a while and I’d only just noticed.



Support the game and buy Realm!


Wow. DECA really is desperate for money it seems. What do you plan to do with the game upon purchase?


Oh, nothing crazy. Maybe I’ll introduce some kind of game-breaking cash grab, like a monster that follows the player around that might be cool haha.


Since the t4 tome doesn’t have speedy and is equipped, while the t6 tome has speedy and is unequipped, the “Speedy for 1.9 seconds” should be in green text, not yellow.

Edit: Actually, other stuff on there should be green, too.


I did some checking and it’s somewhat inconsistent across abilities. With a T6 tome equipped, my prot’s armored text was purple, speedy was yellow when prot was equipped and assorted other debuffs on other items appeared yellow (slow when a paralyze item was equipped and vice versa). The only times there was red/green text was when buff/debuff durations where longer or shorter than those of the equipped item. In short, buffs/debuffs don’t seem to have the same easy-to-see colors as stats do on armors and rings.


The specific case here, I would argue speedy is not a straightforward positive effect to warrant a green text. There are situations where speedy is undesirable (for example when trying to negotiate a complex barrage of shots), so yellow for a neutral difference seems okay to me.