Tsunami's Paladin Guide! Part 1


range? What about warriors and knights?

What about cswords and pixies?


Paladin is ridiculously boring, basically the most efficient strategy is walk up, spacebar stand there for a little maybe move to avoid some shots. Walk back spacebar a little bit later. Enemies dead and you have full hp. Congrats you’re playing a knight that doesnt stun.


Csword has 4.5 range, the fourth lowest in the game next to, get this, all swords.


Warriors (I has jugg) and knights don’t need range bcuz they have def.

Pixie sucks, don’t use that kind of language around here young man


Exactly, I find every other class fun besides paden


So the csword does more damage than all wands but bulwark. You can play more safely, but considering the paladin’s survivability, it’s just damage dealing class then, no? It out damages the priest by about 2x, while having healing capabilities similar to the priest.

The csword also isn’t a primary sword. It’s used mostly as a swap-out, performing best when you need that extra range, maybe in tombs. 60+% of the time, you’ll be using the csword as a swapout (unless you don’t have a tiered one doing more damage).

Now, the csword also does more damage than any dagger. I obviously know that the dexterity makes up for it, but you noted only the range, so I’ll note only the damage.


If it sucks, then why is it worth so much? Rarity? Then who would ever buy one?


Because it’s for nubs that can’t hit shit with a regular sword. It honestly should be ~2 life because it’s not even that good dps wise tbh


It is if you can get all the shots in. Same concept as DBlade.


Dblade does higher damage in 99% of situations


How? I wouldn’t be using dblade as much as pixie in most situations. Pixie has a larger range and greater true range, allowing you to get all the damage in further away. Not saying that dBlade is bad, they’re both swords that anyone could and would use

Edit: rethinking about it, how about we stop this argument? I clearly misunderstood your comment and thought you said that the class was bad. Instead, you were thinking “boring”.


It’s bad and boring. Boring ability, low dex, low def.

Edit: it should stop right here because there’s no reason to reply XD


boi who wants to read a novel? id rather read an article.


thats the same thing; this is almost as long loll


one page or five pages? one please


so low dex and low def makes a class bad? what about priest and sorc?

let’s just leave it at this. it’s neither bad nor broken


Wands also have 9 range. Csword has 4.5 and that 4.5 is too little for me to enjoy using (I pretty much main it the rare occassion I play melee) But offer me to play trickster with a fire dagger as an alternative? I’d take it in a heartbeat because decoys are fun, 75 spd is fun, 75 dex is fun, 5.6 range is bearable. The only thing remotely insteresting about paladin is he has 55 spd. Tbat’s the only positive I have for the class is that. But that’s also because survivability isn’t a major concern for me since literally nest/tomb are the only things that really give me any level of concern.

TLDR: I like enterntaining abilities, more range then csword, high dex and spd. Pally has none of these properties.


I guess that’s fair. I was arguing about why it’s not bad, but boring is subjective and there’s nothing I can say about that


I personally don’t understand why pleb is calling it bad ( I mean its a melee, it can’t have too little damage as swords are dumb) as I’d say pally is far easier to play then warr(although warr is my favorite melee because speedy heh) The complaint about low defense has always driven me crazy as well, 50 defense is plenty as long as you don’t think you can just perfectly stand on ghost gods like you’re a knight. It’s just ridiculously boring, strong, and easy to play in my opinion.


Exactly. It’s tanky and low defense is probably just a joke