.Unfair death


While I was doing manor solo i’ve got a moment of lag and I got instantly shotguned by all Ruthven’s bats and lost my items. Can I get them somehow back?

I'm begging atleast this time [Revive request]

Sorry for your loss, but deca will never give you your items back.


sorry for your loss, no refunds.


Only by starting over.


Can we move this to Whine Cellar? BTW DECA doesn’t care.


suck it up. happened to me several times. deca has a no char revive policy


lol what did you even lose? probably just old tops based on your current character.


my current char is a ppe, but you are right. i just lost old tops. but at that time, old tops were really valuable for someone where i was.


lol I mean OP. His current set is old tops.


…FFS, when do people learn that you cannot get a character revive,NO MATTER WHAT.


OP cant see the wc. Moved back.


As everyone’s already said, you aren’t getting items back from an ‘unfair’ death. However, this also isn’t exactly the place to ask this question because DECA doesn’t run this place, although they sometimes read a few posts.


hidden graveyard

who knows.

As many people have already stated, you’ll have to just earn new items, Deca won’t revive for (pretty much) anything.

good luck.


No you cant,
I got shotgunned by Megamoth and made a ticket to get my shit back but they said clearly they cant revive or give back items.


Death is unfair.


So is life.


Death is unfair
Life is unfair
Life is death


Nononono, that’s a=b, b=c, and then a=c which doesn’t apply the way you said it. So it would be according to substitution :wink:


I’ve always wondered why people do this kind of whining. It provides nothing useful for anyone, not even themselves, and especially the peeps who have been on here for so long, that just becomes annoying and in the time I’ve started to observe these, some of them are new members, meaning we cant WC their post.:roll_eyes:
It starts to get very annoying very fast and is not enjoyable, good thing I’m not the one who keeps all of these posts in line/WC
Anyways, sorry about that long vent.


Unfortunately, they are often new players/forum users, who legitimately don’t know the rules about permadeath in the game. They lose a character to lag, realize that it most certainly wasn’t their fault, and want compensation for their losses, which is understandable. I too get annoyed at the frequency of posts of this kind, but we have to understand that they (usually) just don’t understand that particular part of the game’s mechanics and think that this is how it usually works.