USA looking for guild maxed 8/8 knight,archer,ninja


Looking for a guild. I have pretty good skills and 3 fully maxed characters and rare pet.



uuhhh… wha?

but… the picture shows another account?


lol this guy prolly stole his moms credit card


I think he bought the account off of rwt.


I don’t like to accuse people of stuff like that, but this is textbook… i mean, it’s extremely sus. 3 8/8s, light blue star, very odd name, no Soulbound UT items, different forum name, etc.


This REEKS of rwt, Deca + pixie on a light blue star account with a different name than your forum account? If you’re going to buy an account, or rwt an account to hell, at least be willing to famebot it up a bit. Shame on whoever sold this.


All of those.


Hey don’t be mean. Could be his mule account that he decided to main. Being light blue star doesn’t mean anything. I started out as a baller. He could just be like me.




How many white bags do you have rn my man?


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