Use the 45 or 0 degree rotation angle?


Hmm, and do you use Shift + LeftMouse for secondary, or right click

I personally use X for offcenter, and Tab for nexus, because my pinky is always on it


45°. There’s a pretty neat trick with confuse controls and it’s best used with 45° orientation.


Pray tell, what is this trick?


With the way confuse works (instead of simply mirroring keys it kinda turns them clockwise and then mirrors only two) it’s possible to not get affected by confuse if You’re walking using S+A or W+D (because after switching A becomes S and S becomes A, while W becomes D and D becomes W).

And with 45° orientation in most dungeons You’d be walking along the paths this way (though only the vertical ones looking from 0° perspective, horizontal paths are still messed up).


45* no rotation centered camera master race

Been that way since I started and it’ll be that way till i quit. The only time I ever toggle offset is as a sin in WC and even that makes me feel dirty.


0 degrees much easier, no real advantage with 45

First like given to you?

0, I play with rotation so there are some times that it’s 45 but um no, I like it at 0.


0 and off-center is the bee’s knees when seeing what’s ahead of you… even if it’s not by a lot.


I use 0 with off center and rotate with q and e, something important in my opinion would but the use of the reset camera default angle, I can always use that if i get confused or whatever so i can control it properly and know where to go exactly, I usually use it with r, very close to my rotation.


The spacebar as nexus is genius, what do you have your secondary bound to? shift probably, since that’s the natural resting place for a pinky?

As for how I do it, Offset 0 degrees with rotation. I’ll rotate in dungeons and circling because it’s almost neccessary for me. I need that little extra view


0 degree off center, almost always rotate.

The additional viewing area is indispensable. I don’t know how anyone lives without it.

R resets rotation
V toggles player centering

For the most part I can land the orientation in a good position for lava, which is the only problem with constant rotation.

Very occasionally I will hit R V to go back to zero centered, if I anticipate walking backwards as much as forward.


Someone who finally understands my point of view!


Pretty much the same here, but with other keybindings
’C’ reset rotation
’Q’ & ‘E’ to rotate
’R’ nexus
’X’ to toggle auto shoot because I don’t like clicking
I never center my camera, not even with melee classes


if your like me and panik easely i just use r because i jump in my seat wen i need to nexus and iv taut my self to us the jump to press r quikly and for angle i just use rotation


0 degree it lets you face the portals in nexus, line up the avatar to the top of your screen, let’s you fit through breakable walls at the end of oryx castle easier.


I like this mentality. Gonna paint my space bar red.
I just wish i could set my secondary to right click.


45º to start, but I’m full user of rotation and off-centre.
R reset camera, F to toggle centre/off-centre, so it’s easy R-F to get back to centred reset while I am mousing on the mini-map to teleport, and you can arrive there with a nice all-around view of any dangers.

Same as @Poopythell I’ll keep with centred no-rotate for ‘maze’ dungeons (UDL, trench, manor, etc) so that navigating around is easier. Rest of the time it’s off-centre with rotating to keep target zone top centre.

Yes, the diamond aspect to the graphics at 45º I find more interesting than the squares of 0º.

If you can get in the habit of off-centred in Shatters, you actually don’t need to be doing a lot of continuous adjustment to your rotation because of the long straight paths - so you can just do a left/right rotate each time you reach a corner. And the extra half-screen warning of approaching shots/enemy is so useful. But yes!, definitely don’t be trying to rotate when confuse hits you, confuse-rotate is flaming annoying as hell.

0° or 45°?
Off-Centered vs Centered
Poll: Do You Play With Camera Rotation?

Well,Best One Is 0, Using Un-Centring And Enable Rotating,Its A Lot Of Better Than Using Centred


This! My hotkeys are F and T for toggling uncentered and reset to 0°

I play 0° centered in some dungeons like UDL and Davy and Abyss - and ofc in the nexus


Best reason to not use 0 degrees is to avoid getting stuck on everything.